Psychological-body-social symbiosis

in #symbiosis7 years ago

The connection between thought processes, social environment, food intake, pshysical environment. If you're not eating properly, the optimal nutritional intake, then it's very likely you are not thinking straight. Same with information from the culture. If it's watered down misleading and empty, consuming it may very well be a poison. Of course these are just words, I've given no examples yet. Just painting a picture so far.

We are made for our environment. Theres nothing in it that need be spooky. Perhaps it is only man made fears that are creepy? New borns are not afraid of the dark. It's only growing up under current social conditions that seem to have made it that way. Help!! I've been socialised by the wrong group! I wasn't meant to be scared of the dark! Hell, I wasn't born scared being afraid of the dark!!!!!

I'm thinking back to Kurt Cobain again... He had sliped discs, and scoliosis when he was young. He noticed when the pain moved from his back to his stomach. He was aware that these symptoms/conditons were not a disease but a psychological stress disorder. I mention this because It's rad he knows what his basic condition is. I think the great majority of people run around with ailments not knowing they may be symptoms of emotional and psychological pain. I think fear and anxiety can make any normal conditon worse as well. There is a tendancy to numb rather than face pain in much of our current culture it seems.

The body isn't scary. I think our current culture is alienatied from it's own physicality in many ways. It's important to read the pain or symptoms your body is having beacuse it's telling you something abour your own state and health. You may figure out, Wow! I'm really stressed. Or you have a realisation, or major change and your body reacts and shifts. I know that I have felt my body detox old ways of thinking and feeling after new information or personal breakthrough. The point is you don't have to be scared of your body pains or emotional pains. It's your body and your experience and feelings after all. It's ultra normal stuff I must say! Beware of fighting against it - ease into it. Don't let doctors treat the symptoms and never the cause so they can make a quick buck either.

It's not always safe to meditate or act out and go on personal trip to express these modes of being. You need a safe place and perhaps some understanding people to look out for you, while you are going through a process. I'm going for a societal shift where living in a safe learning and earning environment is a priority. Where there is more focus on personal and social development. Much will have to be invented and re-invented , the systems will have to change. There are some helpful books and ideas already out there so we're not alone really. Oooh, sounds like think tank/book club time!

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