Mysteries of Medieval Cambodia

in #swmchallenge6 years ago (edited)

  Hi friends!   

In the middle ages and in ancient times in different parts of the Earth suddenly appear separate isolated pockets of culture. At first, some, then other peoples become the focus of world history for centuries, sometimes for millennia. Some were born and died, leaving nothing behind. But there are still surviving ancient buildings that are of great interest. Such corners on the globe shed light on many riddles of the world culture.

Archaeological excavations at the turn of 19-20 centuries are rich in discoveries. For example, the Aegean world, the ancient Aztecs with their artistic heritage, the art of African blacks. But a stunning discovery in the tropical jungle became temples of medieval Cambodia. In today's world it is Cambodia. For the people of this territory the highest development of culture, spiritual forces, art and power was at the end of IX - beginning of XIII centuries. During this period of time the country has passed the period of formation, take-off and decline. The best works of art of the khemer people became monuments of world importance.

How is it that Cambodia could reach such heights? All the answers should be sought in the history of this amazing country, in the uniqueness of its development and identity.

Since ancient times, known settlements in the South of the Indo-Chinese Peninsula. Ethnographers, archaeologists and historians have repeatedly noted the particular resilience of the mon-Khmer settlements compared to other peoples in South-East Asia. Highly developed bronze culture in Cambodia already appears in the middle of the I Millennium BC. Preliminary excavations have shown that the South-East Indochina and Indonesia were a single cultural area. Gorgeous bronze ware found in the territory of Cambodia, very close to the subjects dongshankou culture of Northern Vietnam and have direct analogies in Indonesia.

The mon-Khmer peoples were spread in II-I centuries BC all over the South of the Indochina Peninsula. Areas of their settlements lay along the trade route between China and India. Their fabulous wealth they constantly attracted colonists from India. The first major state of the Khmer originated in the II century BC In history it went under the Chinese name of Funan. Transliteration of the Khmer word "bnam" is a mountain. Funan kings called themselves" lords of the mountain " (kurun bnam), where the Chinese name of the state.

Found objects during excavations showed a close relationship not only with the island culture (Bali, Indonesia), but also with the European ancient world. This is an amazing fact! For example, in the Ocean were found Parthian and Roman coins, which indicates the close contacts of Funan with the Hellenistic world. On the other hand, as the Chinese Chronicles say, jewelry made of gold and silver, Funan lace, glass, were exported to China.

Vassal Principality of Chennai-a young Khmer state, occupied the Northern part of Funan. It had a strong economic and political component. Continuing to strengthen its position, Chenla came initially from the power Funani, and soon conquered and its territory. The coastal state of Funan, with its refined culture, could not resist the young, full of strength of the state of Chenl. With the rise of Chenla decided to start the history of Cambodia as an independent state.

There is a myth that Chenly couple of rulers descended from the mythical hero Kambu, who took to wife nagu, daughter of the master of the water element. Subsequently, the Naga turned from a snake into a woman. With the name of this hero and connect the modern name of the country of Cambodia, but it was established only with the advent of the great Angkor Empire. At the bottom of the photo you can see the detail of Naga at the temple of Angkor Wat.

The basis of the myth is of great interest in the creation of the state. The young man Kambu - the inhabitant of the Land, and Princess naked - the inhabitant of the Water. An interesting justification for the unification of the two States - Chenly-land (countries of mountains and valleys) and Chenly-water (Funan - a country bordering the sea and covered by lakes). It is a pity that the Commonwealth was extremely unstable. Like all the early feudal States, the United Chenly repeatedly disintegrated into small principalities.

 Thank you for your attention! Today is another wonderful day! All good sentiments!  

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Hi Rosy, can you please check your tag for this post. It's showing up in Turkey, not Cambodia. Thanks.

@choogirl, I live in Istanbul, so I sign up. Thank You! I will not write so;)

Please tag your posts to the location the relate to, not your hometown. People searching for places to visit in Cambodia won't be looking in Turkey because that makes no sense. Thanks Rosy.

You're right, already fixed;)

It is still showing in Istanbul, remove the code from your post at the moment. And re-add the code with the coordinates for Cambodia. I have upvoted you for now but will remove it if it remains in the wrong location. Thank you!

@steemitworldmap, I can't see. Or simply not understand. Tell me where he is...

@steemitworldmap, swmchallenge travel histori story travelfeed - these are my tags, others do not. However, I can't see?

You should not always use "!steemitworldmap 40.999383 lat 29.031134 long d3scr"
But rather for each post go to, click code at the bottom and click where the place is (this post you click where this place is in Cambodia), than a code will be generated and you put that one in your post (a different one each time, depending on the location)!

@martibis, Thank you very much for the detailed explanation!

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