Swiss Alps Mining and Energy endeavors to empower ecologically inviting mining of crypto monetary standards in the Swiss alp

in #swissalps6 years ago

Cryptocurrencies, in addition to blockchain technology, have lingered in the world today because of the immense advantages and profitability they bring. These are their advantages that new cryptocurrencies are introduced into the atmosphere on a very regular basis. As we know, cryptocurrencies are mined and mines consume enormous amounts of energy. This poses a serious challenge for blockchain and cryptocurrency loyalties, as the energy spent on cryptos mining is not only expensive but harms the environment. In the Swiss Alps, many (thousands) of unused buildings are disintegrated because they are not suitable for use as a home. However, these structures can be developed into mining facilities that are environmentally safe.

Switzerland Alps Energy AG (SAE) is a distributed general ledger-based energy distributor and operator of flexible modular mining infrastructures that may be assumed for long-term stationary use. As a result, SAE keeps unused homes in the Swiss Alps and uses them wisely and without interference in both the construction and the environment.

Switzerland Alps Energy AG is the Swiss Alps Mining & Energy company. Members of the group come from fields that are reminiscent of blockchain technology, crypto developers and specialists from foreign money mines and hyper book packages, as well as civil engineers, infrastructure engineers and power experts. The group has successfully built and released a number of products, answers and packages, usually installed on blockchain technology. The Swiss self-regulatory organization (SRO) is a distributed, general ledger energy distributor and operator of flexible modular mining infrastructures that can be stored for long-term stationary use.


Swiss Alps Energy AG is the leading manufacturer with a revolutionary approach to refurbishing the power of digging and restoring waste heat from the mining equipment. This is an answer to a world problem by the industry. Much less the cooking level of water at excessive heights at the place where the cubes are placed, making the restoring of the energy somewhat extra efficient. This makes mining enormously profitable, protects the Swiss cultural heritage and saves energy.

Swiss Alps Energy AG will cling to an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in June 2018. The money raised within the ICO can be used to finance the trend and expansion of the mining centers and to acquire holdings in hydroelectric power plants.


Blockchain communities around the world face serious problems due to the high intensity process of developing crypto-currency and business applications based on blockboys. At the same time, thousands of unused structures are falling apart in the Swiss Alps due to the fact that the existing spatial planning legislation does not permit the use of housing from these buildings.

Swiss Alps Mining & Energy connects these two worlds and offers environmentally friendly mines in unused buildings in the Swiss Alps, which are only supported by renewable energy sources.


Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is a distributor of energy sources based on distribution and a flexible modular mining infrastructure operator intended for long-term stationary use. SAE therefore maintains unused buildings in the Swiss Alps and uses them reasonably and uninterrupted, whether it is a building or an environment.

Swiss Alps Energy AG is active in the Swiss Alps. Team members come from areas such as blockchain technology, crypto-cash miners and application developers and hyperlink specialists, as well as civil engineers, infrastructure engineers and energy experts. The team has successfully developed and launched various products, solutions and applications based on blockchain technology. The company is currently in the application phase to become a member of the Swiss self-financing organization (SRO).

Business model

With the modern modular cube system, Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) can create and implement mining components that are protected by dust on site. Ideal natural temperature conditions make it easy to cool mountain structures, leading to a 30% reduction in energy consumption compared to similar installations. A flexible and modular mining cube offers advanced automation and requires little care. Individual cubes work together with the central control platform, which in turn controls the cube and gives each cube optimal parameters to maximize production for maximum profit. EE rents entire cubes or individual production of SAM Cube - and at the same time offers high energy-saving production and competitive costs.


The SAM platform offers a comfortable SAM portfolio with a token exchange to facilitate the purchase of purchase tokens. The token holder n SAM can also use portfolios that support the ERC20 contract. The portfolio also offers SAM purchases with bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrency. Users can also view platforms using the internet, desktop and their mobile devices. They can also invest their SAM coins on the SAE platform to reduce cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash and others. The platform will provide a detailed analysis of their ivestments and rewards. This delicacy makes room for users to see how their money is used.

OrC Alpen Alpen
recovery of energy from heat

Swiss Alps Mining & Energy is the first company in the world to use the ORC system to extract electricity from the residual heat generated by the mine system. The location of mountainous objects in the Swiss Alps makes use of the fact that water at this height has a lower boiling point, which leads to a much more efficient allocation of electricity from heat. Since the mining systems in these areas do not require additional cooling by air-conditioning systems, the energy consumption of SAM cubes can be reduced by 50% compared to conventional production systems. Thanks to this unique approach SAM solves global problems in the area of ​​mining.


The SAM token (Sam) is an ERC20 token which can be utilized as a methods for installment inside the SAE mining and administration macrocosm and will be tradable outside the SAM stage on every single applicable trade.

SAE endeavors to integrate to the computerized time and to strenghten the establishment of the eminent blockchain innovation. The organization likewise plans to propel the computerized change and convey it to shoppers and organizations kindred. SAE engenders and advances potential outcomes and arrangements in light of conveyed record innovation and endeavors to transform computerized monetary standards into a mundane component.

For more information

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Profile Link:;u=2156002
ETH: 0xFE6a1240319b6fA365Be60614453d6917d9fe999

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