Peeing in the Pool? (A look at Public Swimming Water)

in #swimming8 years ago

Don't be ashamed if you do, you’re definitely not alone on this one. About 1 in 5 has admitted to doing this while in Public Pools. It could be the guy swimming next to you, or the kid smiling over in the corner, but in either case, someone is or just did, Pee in the Pool..

Basically, pools are gigantic toilets.

But really, what is the big deal?

Well, realistically nothing... There is research out that points to urine combining with the chlorine chemical( a cleaning agent found in pools) to produce cyanogen chloride,  which is a very toxic substance acting similar to tear gas. But newer research states that even in extreme cases, the amount of this cyanogen chloride that is produced is so small, that according to the World Health organization it passes the levels set for 

acceptable drinking water

Still doesn't change the fact it's pretty gross.

So are you saying Pools are clean then?

Not exactly, a real issue with public swimming pools comes from swimmers not taking a Shower before entering the pool.  A staggering 70%, or 7 in 10 people, don't at least rinse off, which allows for a myriad of chemicals to dissolve in the water including; make-up, sunscreen, perfumes, and anything else the human body has on the skin including sweat.

The chemicals we contain on us and then bring into the pool mix with chlorine to produce harmful by-products. These can cause rashes and swimmers itch, while others are known to be cancerous and also cause gene mutations. But, research has suggested, that the risk is minimal.

YEEH! Minimal risk! So I’m safe to jump in?

Well pretty much, but there is definitely one thing to watch out for, and continue watching out for if spotted



Although super cute and playful. Babies without swimming approved diapers can leak materials into the pool we won’t specify. If this incident happens, most likely E.coli and Cryptosporidium will contaminate the water, and these are some nasty bugs responsible for gastrointestinal illnesses. But as long as they wear the special diapers, this isn't an issue.

So although you may be swimming in the community toilet, it's pretty safe for the most part. Just don't intentionally drink the water!

Here are some more amazing articles on public swimming pools:

Thank you for reading and comments are always welcomed.


You forget to mention that people also release gas (fart) in the pool too.

Yes I did, didn't I? Unfortunatly I found no information on the effects of flatulance under water besides making many bubbles...

Pissing in a pool is cool, but dropping a d is not.

In a public pool is a deff NO NO! But I'd be lying if I were to say I havent pissed in my own pool!! lololol

Interesting. I still feel that peeing in pools is uncalled for. If you are old enough to control your bladder then go to the toilet, it is pretty ease just get out of the pool and walk to the nearest one. Are people getting that lazy that they feel it is ok to just vent their waste into a communal pool. Would you pee on your couch then sit in it just because you don't wish to walk to your bathroom? Or pee under the table in a restaurant because you are in the middle of dinner? Unlikely. So where is the ethical leap which states it suddenly becomes ok to pee in a swimming pool?

Regardless of what chemicals are in pools taking a pee in them is just unclean. Peeing in the bath would be unpleasant right, so would you do it? Most likely not.

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