The secret to weight loss is hidden in plant proteins

Too much meat makes you fat, but the proteins are also for those who need to lose weight: beans, tempeh and tofu are perfect, perfect for the diet or to stay fit

The excess of meat in the diet is harmful to health, as many researches conducted throughout the world say; in addition, it would also make you fat. This was demonstrated by a study conducted at the University School of Medicine in Adelaide, Australia, and published in the "Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences" in 2017. The meat according to researchers, is not only rich in saturated fats, harmful to veins and arteries, but it would also contain "excess energies", which the organism, similar to what happens with sugar, would accumulate in the form of fat.

Consume vegetable protein also to lose weight

A balanced diet, which does not defect any of the nutrients essential to the body, should be rich in vegetables, cereals, unsaturated fats and even protein foods derived from plants, which do not weigh on the metabolism, do not intoxicate the body and not make you fat. The foods that most contain vegetable proteins are legumes and especially soy derivatives (such as tofu and tempeh), foods rich in protein, which deserve a leading role in the diet not only of vegans and vegetarians, but also of anyone who wants reduce the intake of meat in its own nutrition.

Discover the virtues of tempeh

The tempeh, in particular, is a very common food in Southeast Asia and, although less known by us than tofu, should be introduced into its diet, in order to benefit from its many nutritional virtues. It is made from yellow soya beans by fermentation, a process that makes it very digestible and full of ferments. It also has a high content of vegetable proteins (about 19 grams per 100 grams of product), mineral salts such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, as well as an important proportion of fibers and polyunsaturated fatty acids (the so-called good fats). Versatile and tasty, tempeh is therefore an important resource for limiting the use of meat in the kitchen, with benefits for health and the line.

Little tricks to lose weight

The form weight therefore depends to a large extent on the ability to adopt a healthy diet, based above all on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and vegetable proteins. To start eating healthy sometimes little "tricks" are enough, as claimed by Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab. The researchers showed how, for example, putting a bowl of fresh fruit in plain sight in the kitchen, "push" to choose healthier foods. The colors, the aromas and the freshness of the fruit that abounds in a delimited space, would attract people, who would then be more inclined to taste fruits and juices. This strategy can also be adopted by bars and restaurants: if the manager puts fresh fruit on the tables or near the checkout, it will be easier for those attending his restaurant to orient themselves on healthy dishes.

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