latest news from sweden : transcript

in #sweden7 years ago

rapists are freed, even with dna, witness video recording of the rape > set free.

woman was drug addict, gang raped in hallway by 20 people because she wanted to trade sex for drug.

but it not okay to rape her. specially 20 people for hours. full on 3 penetration, ass mouth vagina, burning her with cigarettes, banging her head on the wall, for hours, video recording, video the police and prosecutor have seen. after they left her, she hasked for help, treated with upper disrespect, because she had semen on her hair, the police went to the wrong hallway, they went there a few month later. the doctor said it was the worst injury she had ever seen. yesterday 5 of those men were put on trial and were charged free. the semen and injuries weren't evidence enough, the video weren't evidence enough.

gang rape epidemic in malmo, 3 in last week, last victim only 17, bag over her head and raped her, once finished they sprayed her vagina with flamable and put her on fire to clean evidence. the police say don't be afraid.

sweden is dupe, to release gang rapists murder etc. he made a video 2 years ago already. 8 somalis raped a girl and jumped from her second floor breaking her ankles, set free. according to the judges she wasn't on a dangerous situation

other 4 migrants raped girl for hours , they were arrested, but also set free, because no id papers and claimed to be underage. set free on the street of sweden.

the guy doesn't understand the agenda of the swedish politicians. he seems lost. he still doesn't snap.

he says : 20 men rape a woman and are free of charge. 138% raise in sex crime between 2015 -2017. rapists from iran, iraq and middle east. no body dare to speak about it. no body dare to say the truth. now the errorists about the drive by has his own little space in jail. he say he should be executed (I AGREE).

50% percent of women in project or suburb are afraid to go out. anti semitic on the street, while celebrating social democrats.

gov says that rape are higher because more and more people report. that is a lie. according of the statistic only 1/10 report, because they know police will not report. so the 138% reported raise in reality is way bigger, he doesn't know.

the police doesn't have time to investigate the rape of 12years old because too many murder. gang rape by the 20 no time to investigate. naive morons, you are not below 18 because you have rigle and white hairs.

this madness has to stop. sweden and europe is being destroyed. 164000 men from muslim country in 2015. age of retirement raised to 70, work longer to save retirement funds. bullshit benefit from migration.


importing from country where women are threated like dogs. and still wondering why it has raised to so much....


Hi, yeah this rape case is pretty damn disgusting, I saw a bit of the news with Prime minister Shrek last night. But I don't think he's gonna fix anything :(

You need to leave Sweden. It is a lost cause!

Move to Poland!

wrong sweden need to be experimental ground for hypothetical war fight against north korea. north korea is at least a 1000 times stronger than sweden, but at least sweden provide the necessary enemy to train and evaluate against a more robust enemy than men living in mud hut.

poland and co must prepare for war against EU.

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