Is there a real crisis in Sweden?

in #sweden7 years ago

I don't contract TV service at home because I prefer to select what to see. Even youtube is getting annoying nowadays with their recommended content, and massive advertisement, but that is another subject. For the lovers of crypto LBRY is a good option to look at. Going back to the subject, massive media is exaggerating (again) what is going on in Sweeden. The no-go zones are actually no-go zones for big cameras, but normal people that want to tourist and see Sweeden can go. I went last year and I had a lot of fun around Stockholm and Åbylundsvägen, and my friends that live there are surprised by the corrupted news about the Swedish crisis.


Obviously, what the media is doing is terrifying the majority to put more controls and reduce the freedoms, being more aggressive with foreign people and to justify a war against the wrong enemy. What do you think? What is the main intention of those that are exacerbating this situation?

Check this three videos and make your own conclusion:


There are a lot of issues to deal with here. Rather than wade into it, I'll keep it simple:

The Problem Is Islam

The term "immigrants" is side stepping the issue. Immigrants are fine. We just don't want Moslem immigrants because Islam seeks to destroy Western Civilization. I only need torefer to the Koran, Hadith and Sira for documentation to make this point.

Jean Paul Satre once wrote: If the Jewish problem would not have existed, Hitler would have invented it. In the same way, I think that, if the Islam would not have existed, the corporatocracy would have invented it (not necessarily USA, the corporatocracy).
The Islam is the current enemy that corporations need to justify war, to justify restrictions and more control over us. Do you really think that this war is preventive to extend the democracy and free the people in the middle east? Or to defend ourselves from their influence? This religious problem is the same as the Crusades. It is about if some god is on our side as an excuse, but take all the resources from them.

Thanks for your dialog...

The Middle East situation and the U.S. politics in the area is abominable. Personally, I don't think democracy is for everyone. Muslims do better under a distatorship, the more brutal the theocracy, the better. They can govern themselves however they want. I just don't want sharia in Western Civilization.

You mentioned the Crusades. To put them in a factual historic perspective here is a 5 minute video by a physics professor who researched what happened.

I liked the video; I will research more about the jihad. what I meant before is that all of these wars, including the jihad ones, are for dominance of resources. The leaders and sponsors were looking for more power, but to justify their war they proclaimed religious issues as justification. That happened back then and it is happening now.

Sweden is censoring the media much like any other country really. They just do it more due to the political correctness factor.

Yes, and USA uses that to justify their repression over immigrants.

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