Demon Possessed! - A Supernatural Story(swc) @jerrybandfield

in #swc6 years ago (edited)

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Actually I have written this story three months ago already, but challenged to rewrite this as a contribution to @jerrybandfield's Supernatural Writing Contest.

Some people might think this is just a story, but I tell you this was an experienced my family couldn't forget and would try my best to pass this to the family's new generation for them to be aware that demon possessed is real and should not be taken for granted.

My family background

We are six siblings in the family - five girls and one boy. I was the fifth child and we grew up in a family of mixed religion. My father was a devote "Roman Catholic" while my mother was a silent "Born again christian"- silent because she needs to hide it from my father since he strongly disagreed with my mother's belief and would used any sort of force to stop her from going to church.

There was even a time when we need to run far away from our house at 12:00 midnight, because my father was drunk and he wanted to attack my mother for being a "born again christian". Every time he gets drunk, he would kept on asking what made my mother changed her belief? and this would be repeated again and again. The issue of religion was always the cause of fight in the family. In every altercation it would eventually end to the issue of religion even if the caused of the fight has nothing to do with it.

But there was one thing I couldn't forget - my mother would just shut up everything with this word " in Jesus name!...."
And I think ,that was the reason why almost all of us siblings followed my mother's belief. We became born again christian when we grew up.

How the Possession started

I can't provide the actual picture since the commotion was real. It was in the year 2000 when my elder brother used marijuana.One day when I paid a visit to my home town in Bohol, I was confused as to why he acted differently since he used to hug me every time I went home. It seems that he didn't know me anymore and just walked straight to a direction to where he was going.

His wife told me, something weird was going on. He'll be very calm in the morning and able to finely do his job as an electrician, but at 6:00 pm there it starts again. At 6:00 o'clock he became deaf and acted differently - different person literally. And with tears in her eyes she couldn't even tell me straight because she was also confused of what's going on.

Only one thing was clear, it all started when a friend offered him to use "marijuana!". And I firmly believed the marijuana smoke was the portal entry of the bad spirit who possessed my brother. I was new in the Lord then. All that came into my mind was deliverance. It was my first hand experienced to witness a possessed person delivered through the name of Jesus. I did travel from Bohol to Cebu to ask my pastor's help. I thought that would be the first and the last.

After 17 years, another possession happened!

Just recently October 8, 2017, my nephew - my brother's 3rd son, supposedly had to train for 21 days to become a guard. On his 14th day of training he felt terribly ill. He called up asking for help because he always felt heavy in the afternoon. What made me suspicious was the time he will feel it. It would always start at 6:00 pm. The pattern made me think of something supernatural. So I made a conversation with his trainer if I could possibly pull out my nephew since it was sponsored by the government. Luckily they understood it was health matter and I was able to bring him at my place in Cebu.

Confirmed! bad spirit was about to possess him. He was sleeping when I decided to pray over him. I just made it soft not to disturb him - just when his eyes opened!...they were so sharp! He was very strong and his voice changes from time to time. The struggle was so real that my nephew would shout "Lord please help me" , they were holding me I can't move " . Then a gnashing voice will be heard with his eyes so sharp staring at me.

Thanks God my pastor was just a few steps away and he was delivered after more than an hour. My pastor said, the bad spirit wasn't in control of his body yet because my nephew fought very hard to over come it. And he constantly rebuke it in the name of Jesus. He was pretty aware of what had happened to him that time. And at that night, he was totally delivered! in fact he had returned normally to his job.

But within the same month, the horror continued

The horror continued when I sent him home. Oct. 31, 2017, in less than a month of monitoring him if he's totally healed already. At midnight - an hour before **"all soul's day" **, another incident happened.

His sister - 16 year old, was no where to be found. It was already 11:00 pm when they found out she was not in her room. So everybody was panic because** it was the first time**. One hour passed she wasn't found yet. So her brothers decided to go to a nipa hut where a guy was sleeping. Flashlight was everywhere, no one saw her. Just when they were about to leave, she was just standing besides them. And when asked "where have you been?"...In a soft voice she answered " I just visited someone"....

Her brother was shocked because her voice was so low, and her eyes were sharp and red. They checked if was she drunk or on drugs but she's not. So they brought her inside. There it was! she was possessed! Her brothers together with my elder sister started to rebuke the bad spirit in the name of Jesus... Four men were holding her but she was very strong and was able to move them still. Her tongue was out, and then laughed out loud. Asked how many are they?, a voice answered "two" and laughed again.

It was so real just like some horror movies scenario. The casting out took more than an hour. And I can hear her asking for help. And then another voice took over. Her eyes were all black. Thanks God the men of God won. The demons were out. She vomited and slept for 15 minutes. Then she woke up and was shocked why she was surrounded by her brothers. She can't remember anything. Her last memory was that at around9:00pm, a tall man knocked at the window and asked her to go out for a talked. The man also said that he likes her because she's beautiful. She refused at first but later followed him outside. Then she was missing for more than an hour.

Was it witchcraft or purely demon possessed?

For 17 years, this was the 3rd after year 2000. And it happened on the same month with this new guy in the nipa hut who just stayed there for more than a month. Lots of theories were on my mind. Somebody said the guy in thenipa hut was the culprit for he is into witchcraft. We were actually in doubt so as to believe or not because at dawn when the brothers went back to the "nipa hut" where the guy was sleeping - he was no where to be found. But we weren't able to figure out whether it's true or not because it's hard to prove and I think it can't be proven.

My Final thouhgts

These things remains a mystery to me and my family. But I am so grateful that with all those circumstances, I can testify that there is power in the name of Jesus! No doctors, magic...., just pure power!

I just hope no more same stories to tell in the future.

sincerely yours @fabio2614


our prophet had teach us to get rid of the ghost the demon, the devil, whatever you called it , those were the "djinn". and to get rid of a bad dream too. and to cure a possession.

the djinn they could take many form, they could enter our body if there is no guard in it aka possession. and they could appear in front of us in any shape or from if we are not been guarded

yes the marijuana is the catalyst for possession, i had some experience in that
some one i knew was in the middle of exorcism and suddenly a man with a cigarette enter the room where the exorcism is. and the possessed man react to the man with the cigarette, told us that its his friend, gain up a power to the process of exorcism went a bit longer.

owh? so you too had experienced story of exorcism! do you also believe in transfering of spirit?...this means we need to be on guard all the time... our enemies are more on the forces of the air...
thanks @killythirsk.... you're so informative

yes i do

what do you mean transfering of spirit ?

yes , we need to be on guard all the time, they can see us all the time, we can't.
our prophet had teach us daily ritual to protect as from the dawn till dusk and from the dusk till dawn. so we rely to Allah entirely.

not medium of air, they are created from the smokeless fire, plasma form, remember the avatar movie ? earth, water, air and ? fire. that explain the four stage of matter. Solid, Liquid, Gasses, and Plasma. we on Solid stage, they are on Plasma stage.

they are not immortal, some said in the ancient lore of the prophets of old. some of our kind actually make war to them around the time of prophet Idris. they could be killed and die . just like us are some kind of a wonder to me! you know a lot of things...are a you preacher?

its all in the holy Qur'an the last revelation, i believe them and i studied them. i m not a preacher, just someone who interested in ancient lore

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correction done! wheww... I learn something new today... thanks @bayanihan

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wow nicestbot, you always makes me happy..thank you so much for your upvote

I hope this story will reach to @jerrybanfield .... my wish!

😱😱😱😱😱😱 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈👌👌👌👌👌

hi @srsphotographer..would you believe this? 😅 this is a true story

something scarry, but in Jesus name evil spirit will be away. It is also accompanied by strong faith.

very scary jud mam in d jud joke..owst...

Its scarry.. Yeah the time when demon in someone is really hard to handle.. Happy you all are cured

yes @biyanoor it was very won't wish to witness any .
I wish @jerrybanfield can read this👏

Yeah i wish to.. Wait for sometime.. He ll read.. He read mine after 3 days

You are right! That power is there and we need to call it. I am glad that everything has ended and everything is back to normal.

Thank you @fabio2614 for writing this story, which was scary to read, and submitting it to SWC. Seeing a ghost is one thing, but being possessed another! I just sent a bid to a bot for your upvote.

wow thank you so much for appreciating my story @gmichelbkk.
If not because of your contest I won't be given the chance to tell to the world that someone from the Philippines encountered such horror for real...

My pleasure!

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