123Swap : Enabling its users to trade instantly, securely and privately.

in #swap3 years ago (edited)



Welcome to the 123Swap cryptocurrency, fintech and decentralised blockchain ecosystem. The 123Swap cryptocurrency ecosystem is a single location for the complete cryptocurrency fintech experience. The ecosystem is built upon the Ethereum blockchain and provides services such as; the 123Swap cryptocurrency exchange, the 123Swap payment gateway and the 123Swap ICO platform.

This is a blockchain ecosystem where anybody can buy and sell goods, services, property and data with a cryptocurrency called 123GPS and a decentralised marketplace, accessible via a smart phone. The website is already live at http://123swap.co.uk and is being updated all the time. 123swap is a new crypto-decentralized fintech blockchain system designed to facilitate faster and easier cross-border transactions using the Ethereum Blockchain.

123Swap is a peer to peer Cryptocurrency Marketplace where users can buy and sell their goods and services for cryptocurrency. This is part of the wider 123Swap ecosystem which includes the 123Swap wallet the 123Swap Exchange and the 123Swap mobile app. This blog looks at the wider ecosystem and how ecosystem will help users make the transition from fiat to cryptocurrency easier.


Blockchain technology is spreading across the globe like wildfire and the fintech industry is no exception. With its innovative potential, blockchain will change the finance sector and how people and businesses relate to it.

123Swap is a blockchain project with the purpose of creating a crypto decentralised fintech ecosystem via the creation of an ERC20 token and exchange platform. It will allow users to trade and transact with each other in a secure and safe environment. It aims to build an inclusive, global and accessible blockchain eco-system by empowering the token holders and creating an open economy that fosters innovation and collaboration.
Solutions will be proposed on how to solve issues faced by the growing number of blockchain based applications. These include but are not limited to performance, usability, volatility, interoperability and scalability issues.


123Swap is a platform that aims to be the first truly decentralised crypto lending platform on the blockchain, which will allow users to lend and borrow different cryptocurrencies directly from each other. Our mission is to provide an easy, safe and fast way for users to loan out their digital assets while providing a secure environment in the process.



123swap is a defi blockchain ecosystem where individuals and organisations can purchase, sell, exchange or trade their assets through a secure, transparent and trusted decentralised platform. It is an innovative solution that helps to break the barriers of entry into the world of cryptocurrency and finance by removing intermediaries from transactions. It was built on top of blockchain (distributed ledger technology) that allows the creation and trading of financial instruments by non-professional investors.

123Swap enables its users to trade instantly, securely and privately. It is built on the Ethereum blockchain using smart contracts, allowing trustless trading via a decentralised network of token holders. It eliminates the need for a third-party intermediary, ensuring that all trades are transparent, auditable and executed with the utmost security.

Our trade engine is capable of processing thousands of transactions per second with minimal latency. We are able to deliver the best global liquidity by providing efficient and low cost fiat gateways, combined with our smart order routing algorithm that utilizes multi-asset trading capabilities to create a truly unique user experience.

123 Swap offers multiple business models, tokenised assets and the ability to create financial instruments for trading. 123 Swap is the first platform to allow end-to-end ICOs in a safe and secure environment through its three distinct platforms - the Platform Ecosystem, Prime Brokerage, and Crypto Exchange.

This is an ecosystem of decentralised finance and provides a marketplace for peer to peer transfer of tokenized financial instruments such as derivatives, options, futures and spot currency trading. It allows users to create markets for derivative products in which both the underlying asset and payout are tokenized platform also enables automated or manual trading based on price movements using smart contract technology ensuring high liquidity and deep market depth.



We know that the finance industry is set for a revolution and that blockchain technology is at its core. We also know that it’s a complicated topic to discuss, so we’re going to break it down just for you. What is blockchain technology? Blockchain technology is a decentralised peer-to-peer ledger that is used to store transactional data in the most secure way possible. It is the future of finance, and we’re excited to be a part of it.

We are very excited to announce our partnership with 123swap. 123swap is a decentralised, peer-to-peer finance platform - built on the blockchain - that allows you to lend and borrow money quickly, safely and securely. We've created a short video that gives you a quick overview of the platform so you can see for yourself how easy and secure it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=aNpjFoYXdzY If you'd like to find out more about 123swap or sign up to their platform, you can do so by visiting

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