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RE: Steemit Vision Quest, Night Flight

in #svg6 years ago

This image has allure for sure! You may want to update your post with the #nsfw tag, just FYI. And for clarity, the theme for Week 2 is: "Night Flight," so you could update the first couple of words of your post here to state the correct theme. Your artwork here is totally relevant to the Night Flight theme, so you're good to go.

Thank you for this entry in the Steemit Vision Quest.

Wishing you a brilliant and beautiful future.


Thank you, really was a bit confusing, but all sorted out, great challenge.

Yeah, I believe we've cleared up some of the confusion in the wording of that post now, so hopefully it'll be more fluid as the contest moves forward. Thank you for being the first to participate in Week 2!

sweet, This is a challenge, keep them coming, cause the art that comes thru this is electriflying.

I agree with you @losthippie, and the way you worded it, "the art that comes through, this emerging Vision Quest community, is birthing in its own way a unique expression on Steemit and a higher level of consciousness.

thanks @rensoul17, couldn't agree with you more, the drive to compete, brings the best in you , and when it gets appreciated, cause Artist never get, what is worth in their, effort and thought in art.

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