Who is Suzie Dawson, exile or fraud?

in #suziedawson5 years ago (edited)


Suzie Dawson (or Suzi3D) is an activist and journalist who is currently the President of Internet Party New Zealand (IPNZ) who has sought asylum in Russia after the New Zealand and other governments broke into her house, tampered with her car, interfered with her relationships and communications, her bank account, targeted her physically, physically endangered her, physically and digitally stalked her around the world, and attempted to assassinate her multiple times.

According to Suzie this happened because her investigations of the Intelligence Agencies were reaching a larger audience and it wasn’t until she got outside NATO (and presumably Five Eyes) countries that there were no longer teams of people stalking her and “crazy and oppressive stuff” happening.

Really. That is in her own words. It’s quite a hefty amount of failed government persecution going on by multiple governments.

Are you getting the idea? The reason I am writing this is because I know Suzie Dawson from IPNZ. It isn’t a good relationship. She would say I am abusive and I would say she is a fraudster gathering money under the guise of the Party whilst promoting the Suzie Dawson brand by association.

When she first joined the executive I had some high hopes. I thought she was talented, and she is. But soon the other Executives started leaving. There were rumours of Suzie offering people money when there was none. Fred, Miriam, Bill, Sarah, Chris all left before the Election. Eventually, there was only Suzie Dawson, Kim Dotcom (?) and the two other people, Jo Booth (secretary) and Daymond Goulder-Horobin who were elected out of ten possible positions.

Over the next year Suzie took the Party in a new direction which was the fight for Julian Assange via Unity4J. Probably a marvellous idea for her. She is paid by donations and writing. Not good for the IPNZ though. Not good at all. If I was the GCSB, I would be sending Miss Dawson a personal thank you letter. It was the downfall of IPNZ in New Zealand.

For instance, in the election of 2017 the IPNZ got 499 votes with Suzie at the helm. That failure was put down to the speed at which the leadership had changed and media blackout. We did however need more members (You need 500 registered New Zealand members to be a political party). Nothing was done and the party was later deregistered. At the last AGM I believe there were around twelve people. Nobody stood for executive (Presumably because nobody wanted to work with Suzie. That was certainly one of my reasons) and since then nothing appears to have happened.

So when Suzie presents herself as the President of IPNZ, it might be an idea to remember that she is talking about a Party that has essentially done nothing in New Zealand under her leadership except lose most of it’s members.

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