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RE: Curating: Being Accountable for Sustainability

in #sustainability7 years ago

Very nice idea. I sure hope it catches on and some ideas to help our environment are obtained through here. It seems our government is never going to do anything except let the big companies do 'their' thing, so maybe the little guy can help out somehow.


exactly. we need to do what we can at the local level to fight back against big business. personally i give chain businesses, corps and banks none of my business. so many people throw up their arms and say what can i do I am just one person. we need to recruit all the one persons into many people. business cannot do their thing if they have no one buying their product.

@torico I, too, hate supporting monopolies, but I think many of us stuck in certain financial levels find it difficult to move out of that seemingly-endless loop because those are the only places we can afford to shop at.
Finding sustainable ways to live, I hope, is one way of trying to bust out of that loop. Even small ways. Also finding others who have similar philosophies (like the discord group) is encouraging. :)

while certain monopolies are a must for vital necessities, theres much one can do without. and it helps with your budget if you give up expenses like coffee at starbucks, using banks, and buying brand names. whenever i can i buy second hand.

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