Steemit Prepper Chat...When To Pull The Trigger!!

in #survival7 years ago

Ladies and Gents; today we will have a little chat about when to pull the trigger in a sticky situation! This will be about before and after a SHTF scenario! There are some laws and opinions mixed in here! Remember; everyone is different, so you may feel differently about this. But ultimately the choice you make is up to you. It could be the difference between life and death of yourself, family or friends. I hope you find this post thought provoking and informative! Thank you Everybody!

TEOTWAWKI- The End Of The World As We Know It

GIF courtesy of @liberty-minded! Thank you!
@oilyshumblehome I'll keep tagging!: )

Semper Fidelis



Very thought-provoking. Many people, until they are faced with that specific scenario, do not know what they would do or how they would react. I have thought about this often. I feel that I am mentally prepared to protect myself and family and our preps as that affects myself and my family's survival directly. I feel that if we prethink out scenarios and wrestle with the moral dilemmas now, then we will feel more at peace with the decision we make should the time come. Truthfully, we can try to comprehend what we would decide, but until we are faced with those particular situations, we may view things differently in the moment. I personally believe that asking God for guidance now...should I face those situations in the future, I will feel more at ease with my actions then. I don't know if that makes sense to you. Lol! Like I just feel God will lead me to do the right thing for that particular scenario.

Definitely agree with you. Mental preparation I'd the biggest part. But also some professional training would definitely benefit anybody. When you go through it in your mind it will prepare you mentally. When you go through a simulated scenario it helps prepare your reflexes. But mental preparation is the biggest part. But also praying to the man for guidance helps too. 😀

And most definitely God plays a huge role in surviving. ;)

Yes ma'am. For sure! : )

So true! I wish we had somewhere around here like that to be put in various scenarios!

There is a place in Vegas that's like that! I've never been, but it looks pretty awesome!

I saw that on tv! Yes! It would be incredible to get that kind of training and insight!

Another place to check is with some fun shops. They do have training sometimes. You never know. You might get lucky! 😀

Mental preparation is of the utmost importance with this topic. Training, training, training and when your trained, get some more training. Like you said in the vid you should know the laws in your area be they local, state, federal or otherwise.....just part of being a responsible armed citizen. Oh and did i say get training? Great thoughts brother

Yes sir. As long as you know what your laws are and you train and study; when your body takes over you should subliminally be doing the right thing. As you said train, train and train. And I think you may have mentioned training as well. Lol. Thanks brother!

As you said this is a tough one and various people will have different opinions. Education and keeping a balanced head is the key. I don't want to throw in a plug in my comments but I think you'd be interested in the blog I just posted because you do videos and you can monetize them a tad bit further through the link to the platform I posted, it's like YouTube but with a #steemit mentality!

Yes it is a hard call to make but we must know when to pull the trigger otherwise we might as well not carry at all. And I signed up for that site. Thanks so much! 😀

I agree with you. There are some individuals I would hate to see in a SHTF situ. Yay! I think you will certainly benefit from it as you upload videos lately :)

So true. And yea I can't wait for it to start so I can see how it is. I'm going to have to get some referrals going.

It already started and as soon as you get approved you can start uploading content. I have a good feeling this will be great for you! Best of luck🌿

Hmm. I'll have to look into it a bit more this weekend! but again thank you so much! : ) Also I am trying to get some things together and try to start selling home made survival items on There you can accept STEEM or paypal as payment, so I will see what happens! : )

Omg that's super good! I'm going to check it out myself! Lovely weekend to you friend⭐️

Yea I kind of forgot about it. Then it clicked! But it is a way to keep getting STEEM and sell useful items to my fellow Steemians! But I'm just in the beginning phase now. Later I will write a post when I think 'm ready. : ) But it's a pretty cool little marketplace. The Craigslist of Steemit so to speak. Lol. You also have a great weekend! : D

If you are in the position and properly trained and mentally ready then that takes over. When it is all over the you get to think and evaluate. I have shot one person and have had pressure on the trigger, at least two other times, when the person complied and saved themselves. I couldn't even tell you how many people I have had at gunpoint but the more you prepare the more it becomes just something you react to and not a crap your pants situation.

Well said brother. I'm sorry you had to be put in that position also. But yes, with proper training comes the proper reaction.

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