The Prepper’s Pantry for When TSHTF

in #survival8 years ago


People have to eat, no matter what is going on around them. During a survival situation, you will need more caloric intake than usual to combat the exertion and stress that is being inflicted upon your body. Malnourishment can greatly increase your chances of failure, no matter what you are doing. It can cause illness and a slower reaction speed, which can get you killed or injured. You will need a supply of nutrient rich food to fuel your efforts. Your supply should consist of a variety of foods, to provide a complete nutritious profile. Your body is a tool that will be a constant during your entire ordeal, and the better you take care of it, the better your results will be.

Your stock will have to be rotated to prevent spoilage. The old adage, “first in, first out” applies here. The oldest stock should be stored in front, with the newest stock in the back. This way, the older stock will be used first to combat waste. Be sure to store your items so that the labels are clearly visible. Pay special attention to the expiration dates, otherwise your efforts are for naught. About every six months, do a complete inventory of your entire stock so that you know what you have and how long it will last. Organization is key in maintaining a properly supportive prepper’s pantry.


You could spend a lot of money purchasing MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) or compact emergency ration bars, but if you are not going to use them by their expiration dates, they are useless for your purposes. While you should have a varied profile in your pantry, it seems to work best if you stock up on foods that you will use whether it is an emergency or not. This way, not only can you easily rotate out the stock, but in a survival situation, it will bring back a sense of normalcy and comfort.

As a way of diversifying your pantry, you should always have some food on hand with very long shelf lives, and there are many options available on the market. You may have wondered how freeze dried food differs from dehydrated food. Freeze dried food has up to 98% of the water removed, through a process of flash freezing and then being sealed in a vacuum container. This causes the water to vaporize. Because it has lesser water content, it lasts longer than dehydrated food - 20-30 years! The nutritional integrity of the food is preserved and the food can be easily rehydrated to (just about) its original state by adding water. Another benefit is that no additives are needed throughout the process, so it can have less sodium or sugar, making it healthier than dehydrated foods. A drawback of freeze dried food is that it is much more expensive than dehydrated food. Dehydrated food has 75% of the water removed through a heating process, leaving it with a shelf life of 1-8 years. Because of the heating process, up to 50% of the nutrients in the food can be lost and most of the time additives like salt and sugar are used to make it more palatable. An upside to dehydrated food is that you can do it yourself, with an electric food dehydrator. This can drastically cut down on the cost, and who doesn’t appreciate beef jerky, anyway?


Both freeze dried food and dehydrated food are available in #10 cans, which are very easy to store. The #10 cans are about 109 ounces, 7” tall, and have a 6.25” diameter. Average soup cans are a #2, and the #10 can will be able to hold the same volume as 5.32 #2 cans, though the actual weight and volume will vary based on the contents. Freeze dried food, when stored in #10 cans, can even last 6-12 months after opening, when properly sealed and protected from moisture after use. These are excellent additions to any prepper’s pantry.

Protein is especially important, as you will most likely be exerting more energy than you would in a relaxed state. Canned meat has a long shelf life, and can be a real treat in a survival situation. Nuts, legumes, and beans are also great sources of protein. When beans are mixed with rice, this can provide all of the amino acids your body needs to survive. Just one serving of rice and beans can provide you with up to 40% of your necessary daily vitamins! When you take this into account, it is no wonder this dish is so popular in developing countries.


You should also store a variety of rice, dry beans, oats, and grains to create complete meals. These items often are sold in plastic bags and should be repackaged in glass or food grade plastic jars to protect against bugs and mice. Some bay leaves scattered about the pantry will also help to repel pests. Other dry goods that will be invaluable are just-add-water mixes, such as pancake, cornbread, or drink mixes. These add convenience to an already exasperating situation. Likewise, spices can dress up bland meals and increase variety.

In addition to food, you will need a gallon of water per day for each person. You could stock up on water jugs from the store, or you could even start collecting water in a food grade plastic barrel. Water should be stored in a cool dark place. Water does not go bad on its own, but it can become rancid because of the chemicals in the packaging.


Having a properly stocked and organized pantry is a must for any prepper. Food is the fuel that keeps our bodies running at optimum efficiency. Your pantry is one of the most important preps that you will have and you have to properly maintain it to increase your chances of survival in an emergency situation. If you take care of your pantry, it will take care of you!

At minimum, every person in your family needs to have at least a 72hr food supply to be ready for emergency situations.

If you're ready to start building your prepper pantry, you can pickup a free 72 Hour Food kit here. This 72hr kit contains 16 servings of delicious food guaranteed to last for 25 years. That's enough food to last 72 hours in a crisis. (It's great for camping too.)

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To be honest, I've never been interested in a kind of prepper pantry even if I've thought basically the world is unsafe. I started thinking because of a terror and earthquake. Good posting!

add some honey, peanut butter, and coconut oil to your stocks. They store well and add some variety,

Anything the older generations did before "Modernization", we should also do... we are heading back toward that reality... life is cyclic.

Keep it coming!

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