Start Becoming a Successful Prepper in One Month 1

in #survival8 years ago


48% of adults in the U.S. lack emergency supplies for use in a disaster. 53% do not have a 3-day supply of food and water on hand, and 44% do not even have first aid kits. Even more astonishing, 55% believe that they can rely on local authorities to come to their rescue. If those statistics horrify you, you should probably assess your own situation. Prepping is a never ending endeavor that can be extremely rewarding. Here is how to get up and running with your prepping in one month:


WEEK 1: PLANNING - This week, focus all of your energy on making plans. Planning is after all, essentially what prepping is all about. Come up with a fire escape plan, a bug out plan, a severe weather plan, etc. Write them down, complete with maps, in an emergency binder. Make sure that all members of your household know where the binder is and are familiar with its contents. Include in the binder a list of phone numbers for emergency services as well as those belonging to family and friends. This is important because 42% of Americans do not know the phone numbers of their immediate family members. You should not rely on your cell phone for this information. Also include a list of current medications and any crucial insurance documentation. Having an identical binder in a different location could also be helpful, in case you cannot make it to the primary binder for some reason. Every day visualize different scenarios and how you would want to navigate them to produce the most positive results. During dinners this week, speak to the members of your household and find out their concerns. The family that preps together, survives together.


WEEK 2: GATHERING - Use the second week to start acquiring key items needed to best implement your plans from week one. At the beginning of the week, make a list of essential items that can be purchased within your budget. Do not deviate from the list. Make sure that you have at least 3 days’ worth of food and water for every member of your household, as well as some other helpful items such as an emergency radio, a flashlight, a sturdy knife, etc. It is easy to get carried away in this stage, as there is a lot of useful gear out there. Be decisive and work within your budget. It will do you no good to blow your entire paycheck on a pallet of batteries this week, if you won’t be able to buy food next week. Do not forget a sturdy pack. Start a bug out bag this week with essential items. Keep in mind that your bug out bag should be no more than 25% of your body weight so that you can carry it easily and without fatigue or injury.

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Watch For Part Two...


I tell my Kids, one extra this or that each week.

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