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RE: Bug Out Bag

in #survival8 years ago

I like a good collapsible recurve bow for my survival bag. To help with hunting, not protection so much. Post crash, bullets will be the next currency and more valuable than gold. Making it very difficult to rely on trusted sources.


Things I believe will be currency in a longer-term collapse are; gold, silver, lighters, ammo, liquor, medical supplies, medicines, food, water purification media, sex(the oldest profession in history), heirloom seeds and a few others... Skills will also be something to barter with like; making water drinkable, medical, making alcohol, construction, negotiation, blacksmithing, gardening/farming.

Gold silver and bullets will be the most "valuable" and most likely to be involved with ill intent. I have written these commodities off my list as the second crash will be when we run out of oil, bullets, electronics, and possessed food. That's when it's going to get tough so I prepare for harder times.
I agree, good skills and labor will be a rare and valuable opportunity for trade.

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