Survey! (5% VP upvote for all genuine, pertinent comment responses in first 3 hours!)

in #survey7 years ago (edited)

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Here it is!

Comment below with your answer!




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


I would say most of the people I know are good people, but sometimes I think I have a limited understanding. I have crippling social anxiety, and unfortunately that means I am sometimes so worried about my own behaviour that I find it difficult to analyse the behaviour of others. I wonder how much of people trying to be good is just social conditioning, because we are herd creatures and most of us will do anything to not be excluded from the herd.

I also think we are too quick to call people "bad" when there is a personality clash or we just don't get along with them. A lot of times it's easy to just demonise people because you don't get along with them, because understanding their motivations is a more difficult thing to do. Because we are a naturally gregarious species though I think we naturally tend to be empathetic and to want to be kind to others of our species. I have to say I meet few people I think are genuinely cruel or nasty and it's generally very jarring when you do meet those people. I have met a couple of people that, looking back I think were narcissists and instantly wanted to put themselves in a position of authority over you, but I could honestly say I think they are few and far between.

And as someone who does a lot of self reflection as part of a spiritual practice, I think a lot of people would do better to self reflect about their behaviour and how it impacts others. Not because I think everyone should be spiritual, but I think we could all stand to be better towards each other, more understanding and that would quickly create a better world. Have a great day, looks lovely where you are!

i think people inherently are good....cost me a bit in my life...but continue to do so :-)

Firstly, good and bad is subjective. What one persons may view as good another person may view as bad. I think that we all know this to be true but I'm just putting it out there.

I've travelled to approximately 70 countries and lived for at least 3 months in 50% of them. My experience is that the vast majority of people are good, or trying to be - there are of course some bad apples everywhere.

When it comes to business (which I've done a lot of around the world) - I've met a lot of bad sharks. A proportionally high number of bad people in-fact. It's amazing to see how money can turn seemingly good people into bad people in the blink of an eye.

The world is telling us to be scared of this and scared of that and this includes people and groups. The outcome is that people are more likely to be divided and less likely to trust the people that they know and meet. Once you realize this and set yourself free from it the world becomes a much better place.

Sure, there is evil all around us and that is most likely not going away. How you to react to it and the people that you engage with, and the causes that you support can make a difference and that is what I try to focus on.

Great question Graham.

Personal experience is that people are both good and bad at the same time depending on what our presence or circumstances brings out in them.

Hitler had a lover.
Gangsters who kill for money or fun or to eliminate enemies have families.
Our army heroes are other countries worst enemies (and vice-a-versa).

I personally know a friend in India who everyone thinks is an arrogant asshole but when we get together, we have the most honest conversations and he will never sugar coat or tell me what I want to hear but tells me what he believes is TRUTH. This many view as 'bad/arrogance' and I think it is Good (rare one at that)...

Say for example, you are a generally good person but I just smack you in the face for no reason, will your MASK of good come off! I believe it will but that doesn't mean behind the mask you were a bad person - you may just be a neutral guy but I instigated that evil/bad side in you by putting you in that situation!

Hey @kafkanarchy84.! You question is very pertinent. But in my opinion we can not generalize and use the overarching statement that "everyone around me is a devil or everyone is an angel". This society is a mix of a little bit of everything I would say. And we'll have to pick names and instances on an individual level to see whether the person is a good one or bad.
Givin you a example of my work place where one one hand there is a colleague of mine who only sees (or willing to see) negativity and faults in anything that comes his way. He is one of the most sadist, insecure and selfish person I have come across. All he wants to do is to earn his brownie points at the expense of putting down everyone else.
And on the other hand there was one of my previous project manager; she is the sweetest person on earth. Always happy, cheerfully and friendly. With no ego whatsoever, even though she was in a role of authority and power. In fact she was a human first and a manager later, unlike most of the corporate managers who believe that people under them are just resources or some letters on an spread sheet.

Long story short, I have seen both sides of the pendulum and hence can't answer you question with a certain yes or a no. Thanks.!! Peace

In my experience, people around me are good people. The rat rate of survival, in an overpopulated country such as ours makes them take some actions which are perhaps selfish but I can tell that they are not happy taking those actions. However, obviously, survival of near and dear ones forces them to that route. Thanks.

In my experience people generally do try to do good for other people if they can. If it doesn't cost too much time, money, or effort they will. I think most "bad" is something that comes out of self interest (not that it is a bad thing) blinding people to the effects they have on others around them. People want or need something and they learn to ignore others around them to get what they want. Few people manage to build awareness of this process as thy go about their lives. Most people actively try to increase their ability to ignore this. So in short, people aren't necessarily bad, they will just only try so hard to be good.

What's up boss, yeah its fu*kin hot here in Las Vegas too... lol

For the past 20 years, I only hang out with people who are different. Not the typical "Average" watching tv, enslaved 9-5 crowd (nothing is wrong with that). I just don't fit in with that crowd.

Most people that I hang out with are entrepreneurs, vision seekers and they have hustle in their hearts... but especially they have to be good people.

chillin with good people, makes my life great..
only hanging arround with good people.
Take care and have a good time in japan

I think that the truly "bad" people stick out like a sore thumb and that people are mostly good. You simply have to reach out to them and show them who you are. Rudeness, stupidity, and violence are easily "seen" kindness and love are often present, but have to be looked for.

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