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RE: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree | Parallel Constructions used to Circumvent US Law

Most people will not realize this has been longstanding policy undertaken practically ubiquitously by LEA's. I have personally seen how this can be used to affect people outside of formal charges and courts.

Surveillance potentiates far more than parallel constructions used against defendants. Blackmail, insider trading, and abuses too prolific to list are amongst the various means covert surveillance potentiates spies to profit from.

The fact that virtually all convictions result now from plea bargains is what has revealed parallel construction to be a common tactic, even a foundational strategy, of the penal industrial complex. When defendants are faced with a case and offered a deal, the odds so strongly favor acceptance of plea bargains, that often strong cases aren't even built. When defendants then refuse to accept plea bargains, prosecutors are sometimes caught flat-footed, and fabricate flimsy premises to purport constructions that aren't based on criminal surveillance.

These are quite rare occurrences, since virtually all defendants accept plea bargains, and evidence is never presented outside a grand jury, where prosecutors face no evidence hurdles, or defense of any kind.

When the use of criminally obtained evidence isn't used for prosecutions, for example to blackmail politicians, it is yet more rarely revealed. This may be the strongest reason to oppose secret surveillance, as it potentiates and perpetuates crooked politics, perhaps the worst scourge of free peoples.

The Hastert case is a good example of this very effect. He was known to be a predatory child rapist to various agencies that should have ended his vicious crimes long before he ever moved past raping his students when he was a teacher. The 'capture' of Hastert's political acts through blackmail instead created his candidacy, by generating support from those parties that had him to rights as a child rapist.

This explains politics generally, from HOA's to the UN.

As evil as parallel construction is, blackmail based governance is far more pernicious, harmful, and profitable for racketeers. It is hard to even quantify how much insider trading might result from such criminal surveillance. Just try to imagine how many profitable ways such surveillance could be used.

We need to end government secrecy. The USG claims to effect it's acts by applying the sovereign authority of it's citizens, but to keep secret from them what it knows, what it does, and how it does so. Make all surveillance just as public as our transactions on the Steem blockchain, and all this criminal activity loses it's power.

Government can have no just power not native to a free person. Neither can there be any justification for keeping the execution of your power secret from you. It is our power, our secrets, and our lives. It's time it was in our possession.


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