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RE: Extortion Attempt of Julian Assange Reveals Total Invasion of Privacy By Ecuadorian Officials at Embassy

Given that government possessing the mechanisms of prosecuting crime is committing the crime, the only means of imposing sanctions on the government agents responsible is mobs with pitchforks and torches. The Moreno government isn't going to prosecute itself.

"...what is so incredibly insidious about this latest attack on Assange is that the source of it all comes from the very people that are suppose to be safeguarding his human rights and his life..."

Government in a nutshell. When you concentrate wealth and power via government, it is incredibly naive to fail to predict the most venal and corrupt criminals will seek to control government. IMHO, this is the very purpose of government: to better provide a vector for corruption, graft, and parasitism on public pockets.

It is obvious across all industries that a race is underway. Either the panoptic police state will manage to more effectively enslave all civilians via sophisticated psychological manipulation combined with ever more violent thugs, or nascent technological advances decentralizing the means of production in every field will continue to erode tyrannical power and increase the liberty and prosperity of ourselves and our posterity.

Because technology is driven by physics, and always increases the power of individuals versus institutions, my bet is on freedom. Decentralization is literally freedom, and it is obvious that increased decentralization is the cutting edge of technological advance in all fields. People are only so stupid, and can only be kept in profitable psychological corrals for so long when the grass over the fence continues to grow ever more verdant.

The real world always eventually dispels hallucinatory fantasy, if only in death. To prevail over the impending panoptic police state all that we have to do is adopt the most advanced technology available and increase our personal prosperity as much as possible. Showing others how preferable that transcendence of legacy industrial paradigms is multiplies the benefits to each of us by every individual adoption of emerging decentralized mechanisms. The viral spread of 3D printing, CRISPR, aquaponics, open source hardware, mesh networks, and so on also multiplies the beneficial effects of adoption via concatenation of the vectors. Each additional adopter doesn't just add one more bit of freedom, but multiplies the freedom of each of us, and each additional mechanism doesn't only add one more bit of prosperity, but multiplies them all. The rate of transference of power and wealth is not additive, nor even multiplicative, but exponential.

Decentralization is literally freedom (I know I'm repeating myself, but this fact is simply utterly critical to grasp). JA is as free as every civilian today, and there may be no more poignant proof that centralization of wealth and power is actual tyranny. Since the governments of the world wield almost all power to surveil, project military power, and prosecute crime, civilians are practically abject slaves. The world has already passed peak centralization today, and the faster and more profitably we adopt nascent technological means of production the quicker JA - and all of us - can get free of the oppressive crimes against humanity tyrants seek to commit to aggrandize themselves.

In the meantime, I am glad to see that not only are civilians aware of the harm tyranny causes, and specifically how JA is being subjected to it but also proved that decentralization of information decreases the power of criminal institutions, but fighting against it to protect him. Let's continue to oppose the police state oppression online, via public policy mechanisms, and in the streets with pitchforks and torches, as necessary.


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