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RE: Privacy Workshop #2 - You Have Something To Hide

First of all, thank you for your answer. I appreciate the effort. I think it is possible that you are right about Occultism, even though I have a hard time wrapping my brain about it, it is too far away from my personality. Crowley, Blavatsky and their ilk seemed to me to be more theoretics, weirdos and frauds. A real life application of this madness is hard to imagine for me. But possible.

Orwell is fascinating, however I am not an expert or apostle of him. I am interested in many different topics from AI to Zionism. Orwell seemed to be a good choice of character for commenting on things conspiracy related. As good as "grumpycat".

I am intrigued in the stuff you are writing. I just came cross your blog recently and follow it with interest.

I primarily joined steemit to escape the loneliness and desperation I felt once I began to wake up and realized that everything I thought I knew was wrong. Steemit seems to be a good platform to communicate with like minded people and possibly add my 2cents.

I am also here to learn, get different perspectives and raise my horizon. Only by asking questions one can expand his knowledge. Questioning others and one's own opinions. I do not think that questions can be divisive. If a truthful answer is given, a question might lead to finding the truth.


see, that's a lot of words but you really didn't say anything.....

Orwell is the most important political writer of the 20th century, everything in privacy workshop is related to his work.

You should go read his essays and reread 1984 and come back here, write a book report in comments. Then we can continue discussing.

But coming to privacy workshop and name-checking orwell and rambling is not going to get much respect from me. I have spent too much time dealing with shills already.

You have your homework, see you in a month or so.

Sorry if I offended you in any way. I will not bother you anymore. Have a nice day.

not offended, i just gave you a pretty basic reading assignment about something you expressed interest in, and which i have a lot of interest in. read some orwell, come back and tell me about what you learn.

if that is too much for you, well we probably won't be able to have much of a discussion, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep reading my posts or that im upset with you.

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