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RE: House Passes Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens with “Mental Disabilities”

Agree .. Its limitless.
Just as after "Sandy hoax" .. (I'm not a US citizen so i don't know the numbers of the law etc.)
But they implemented a law that if someone in the family have some kind of mental disorder,
You will not get any gun license ... Because that computer generated gun-man at Sandy Hoax has some kind of mental disorder and the family had the Gun.. Bad combination .. So they lost their gun because of this CGI pic of a guy never exist.. And after that everyone who has a relative living at their ouse can't get a license.
Example: Your grandma get sick, get prescribed medicine from her doctor = no gun for You.

This is the exact same idea behind .. And will be used that exact same way.

Be normal or we microchip you.
Later on when everyone is chipped some way it will work like..
Be a good guy, pay your taxes, do as we say or we shut of your card.
i.e no driving license, money, healthcare, passport, no identity!!
And since all border control will be between each state or block.. Not country ..... You're stuck.

They got it all figure it out, right! ;)
And there's thousands of ways how to use this against us.


Agreed... & Sandy Hook was even deeper then that... so the kid was real but he didn't do it... Crazy how two or three sets of DNA was found on the gun that didn't match up to the kid at all! And in the end its a sad story because the kids dad owns a certain medication for the mentally ill, he said his kid even took this medication and all this happened because he stopped taking it... (yeah right fuck big pharma!!!) This medication company also through millions at gun control before and after the shooting, the whole thing makes me sick! Sandy Hook never happened and people are to afraid to get into the details!! Love your page, you're very awake!!

Thanks Man!
Nice to see that more are waking up as You Bro.
But its much worse than you think... That guy, the supposed killer isn't even real.. Its an CGI ..nothing more.. And everyone else is actors or common people in that small town helping the authorities with a drill.
That no one came out telling this after has its easy answer as well... Tell who?!
The same people who made the drill and fooled the entire world its real.. Also own all the media .... Tell who?!

Watch this and you will never believe anything on tv ever again.

This is good! i started popping popcorn... do you mind if i add this to my post about sandy hook?? I had to make a post about this one day because some lady on here was swearing up and down that sandy hook was real (cause she knew people who lived around there) LOL

No Problem.
You can share anything on here .. Not just my stuff.
The thing about STEEMIT at large is transparency .
(Thats how i see it anyway)

And yea, they are funny these people who know someone or have seen something themselves.. While the opposite is indisputable facts.

One of those is WTC7, the Salomon building .
You know the 3'd building that crashed on 9/11 without any plane hit it,
And the official version is that it crashed by itself because of fire.
Even Larry Silverstein, the owner of WTC say since many years that it fall by itself .. Forgotten what he said just days after it fell in national tv.
(not exactly the same as a neighbor of yours, but anyway .... Lol)

When we are at the subject .. And this is a messed up one.
First .. The WTC plaza (all 7 buildings) was leased by Larry Silverstein on a 100 year leasing contract signed in July 2001, leasing .. Which mean that he ain't own the buildings and can therefor only use them.. Not rebuild them externally.
They were knocked down in a terrorist attack which no one could foresee in September 2001.
Still, he started to design the new WTC in April 2000 !!!
Thats 14 months BEFORE the contract was signed, i.e he had nothing to do with them at that time .. And it was 17 months BEFORE these terrorists knocked them down. (!!!!)
And if thats not enough ... The new WTC was financed by insurance money in those plans ... 17 months before ANYONE knew there would be any insurance payment ... Since no one knew they would be knocked down .... From an insurance that didn't exist yet ...........
Connect THESE dots .......

ohhh gosh i've watched so many of these but i don't think i've seen this one... Down the rabbit hole I go!!! But i have to say this is what confuses me sooooo much cause the dude has two kids and thought maybe the older brother could have "been him" but i don't think it was... I know Sandy Hook didn't really happen but i at least thought the dudes kids were real people lol.... This is just about as bad as the concert bombing the other night, So tired of seeing this fake shit on the news.... So the news showed some 18 year old girl that supposedly died in the bombing over in Europe... Well guess what the girls mom is trying to sew the News because her daughter is dead but she died back in 2013 by her boyfriends hands... The world is sooooo fucked up man and the Fakestream media is the core of it!

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