"someone behind the screen", Surreal Art Contest

in #surrealart7 years ago (edited)

Hey steemian, whereever you are at, hope you are extremely fine.

Today, I would like to draw a picture by using a pencil on the paper. This tells you about whom someone is a leader. It entitles "someone behind the screen". I have carried out the project for one day that is inspired by the artist spirit. The artists that I recognize are actually ruled by bridles until their mentality was shown in full of reins.

In addition, on the painting, an observer may define it from her/his own various angles. It could be possible to find it out because art has broad meaning like one example of ocean, where you can sail as you want, yet you really need a compass to show you that you aren't lost at the ocean .


Halo steemian di mana pun engkau berada. Semoga sehat dan waras selalu.

Hari ini, saya membuat sebuah gambar menggunakan pensil di atas kertas. Lukisan ini berkisah tentang orang di balik layar yang menjadi pengendali tunggal. Judul lukisan ini adalah "orang belakang layar". Saya mengerjakan proyek ini selama sehari, terinspirasi dari jiwa seniman. Seniman yang saya kenal kebanyakan dikendalikan oleh jiwa amat terkekang sebenarnya. Hingga yang ditampilkan jasmaninya terlihat sangat tertekan.

Namun, dalam sebuah gambar, penonton bisa menafsir dari sudut pandang sendiri. Itu dimungkinkan karena, seni luas benar pemaknaannya. Seperti samudera, anda boleh mengarunginya sesuka hati. Tapi hati-hati, anda tetap butuh kompas agar tak tersesat.


Sangat terinspirasi..

Ata buno meughak2 diek. Raseuki!

Yaa bg, hana kusangka..

Nicely drawn, and very surreal indeed :-)

Thank you so much.

Your work has been featured in a new post about my contest here.

Thank you so much, @sethlinson

Hi friend, nice artwork very interesnting !
Good luck in the contest :D I'm participing too

Hi. hope you also win in this contest.
Thank you

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