Surprise or promise , which do you prefer


Surprise is something that takes a person unaware without any notice . It is something that happens unexpectedly without any prior information.
I must say here that surprises come in two forms . It may be a good surprise and on the other hand a bad one.

A promise can be something one told you he or she will do for you.
Promises keep our hopes alive. It makes our expectations high., and at times can give us sleepless nights just because we are expecting something from someone.

Have you ever been surprised or promised before?

Well my own surprise I received was something I could never imagined even in my wildest dreams . It has to do with my past. Can I say trusted him so much ? What have I done wrong? Would I have listened to him and forever live with guilt?
These are the questions I keep asking myself till tomorrow even though I took a positive step and took the bull by the horns

We were 6 years in a relationship and we gave our all. I trusted him ( my son's father )so much that I will not believe any prophecy that this guy will turn against me.
I was his Queen and he my King as people knew us to be inseparable. But things changed when he got admission into the university and then things turned. I never knew that deep in his heart he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. This is a guy that raised my hope that all will be well.
He spelt it I am his and that he will never disappoint me . Hmmm! This world is indeed deep.

How was your reaction to the surprise or promise

Well the only thing that doesn't change is change itself.
Man is bound to change and at anytime so that was the mindset I carried all the time and it helped me to be strong.
When he told me it was over between us even with a child in between, I was like this is not true. Am I going to be a single mom? No ,it can't be.
I closed my eyes and opened it but at last it was a reality.
I wept night and day ,took sleeping pills but couldn't sleep. I nearly lost my mind but God strengthen me . It's difficult but it's not the end of the road for me . I moved on.

Have you ever surprise or promise someone.

Yes I have surprised someone before.
An Innocent prisoner according to him and he looked it.
We met somehow and he told me his story.
I will buy him things , give him assistance and assured him that he will come out if truely he is innocent. He never expected I will talk kindly and nicely to him like that and to the glory of God he was released.

Describe a scenario you were promised and it failed.

Hmm this particular scenario pains me till tomorrow
It was when I was in my year two in the university that I couldn't meet up with my school fees that I called my London uncle to please help me as exams was
fast approaching. This man told me that he 8 expecting money I'm no distant time that I should go and borrow that he will give me to pay back as soon as the money is available. I was so happy and told my mom but then one mind told me not to borrow any money from anyone.
After sometime I called him back and he gave excuses till today my uncle has refused to fulfill his promise to me for the first time I asked him for help.
But God made a away for me and I paid my school fees

Supposed I went to a money lender ,is this how I will keep paying interest? I asked myself. Till today I don't want to know who is and who is not what to me.

Do you believe in the statement that promise is a debt.

To me promise is a debt because if you promise a person something and you don't fulfill, when you see the person you should have a guilty conscience because you have raised the person's hope., and the person is expectant.So it is better not to promise,than to promise and not fulfill.

Thank you for taking time to read my post. I will invite my friends
To join me in the contest.


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