Evidence of Power on Human Creation

in #supranaturality6 years ago


Proof of God's authority on the approval of the creation of human beings. Allah recommends us as creatures to contemplate humanity not only in one verse in God's book. Allah says: Man should see what he created (Surah Ath-Tariq) and Allah says: to you. Do you not see (QS. Adz-Dzariyat) Allah says: hi people if you doubt the day of resurrection, in fact, We created you from dust, then from a lump of flesh shaped and that has not been shaped so that We explain to you.

Proof of God's power in human creation. God encourages us to contemplate the creation of humans not only in one verse in His book. The Qur'an says: Man must see what he created (qs.Ath-Thariq) Allah says: to you. Do you not see (QS. Adz-Dzariyat) Allah says: hi people if you doubt the day of resurrection, in fact, We created you from a lump of blood and flesh that is shaped and not yet shaped, so that we explain to you. We set in what wombs we want until a certain time limit. And we remove you as a baby then you reach a strong shape. Some of you are dead, and some are old people, so you forget what was known.

Allah said "Did man think that he would be left stranded. Was he not in the form of water from the right-hand seminal. Then in the form of a lump of flesh created and given shape. Then God made from him a pair of men and women to know each other. Didn't We create you from despicable water, We set the water in a firm place (womb) until a certain time limit. We determine, then We are the best determinant. And Allah says "Does man not see that We have created him from semen. Why then he became a real enemy to God as the most creative. "Indeed, We created man from the essence of the land, then We made his semen in a firm place, and from the seminal We made blood, and from the blood we made flesh.

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