"Global Climate Strike - Will You Answer the CALL?"

in #support5 years ago (edited)

I received this email today and wanted to share it with everyone here and get this message to the world. Our youth are so inspiring and we need to support them and create a better world for everyone. We need to consider them and how we need to ask ourselves what kind of world are we leaving to them?

Here in so-called BC, the puppet Trudeau, just announced that the construction of the pipeline will be commencing. Prior to this, he was caught up in a scandal with SNC Lavillin, that showed how he is controlled by the corporations and he does what they tell him to do. This is obviously the case with this pipeline, since he has used tax payers money to purchase this disaster and even though he has no authority to allow the pipeline to be built, he believes he does.

He is living on unceded Indigenous Land and he need to respect what the people who own this land have said, and they say NO to this death tunnel!!! We are prepared to defend our land, water, animals, and LIFe at all costs. These people here are WARRIORS, FEARLESS and STRONG.

He thinks he can prance around and dictate what happens on our LAND, fuck NO, that is Not acceptable and we will not allow that!!!!

Here is a copy of the email that was sent to me today:

Greetings --" I attended my first youth strike on May 3rd and was overwhelmed by the energy and passion of the young people striking. That day I experienced two beautiful moments that filled me with hope: listening to thousands of young people singing about environmental justice, and stumbling across this young boy in the crowd, chalking ‘save the world’. We know this new generation of activists will one day inherit the world but what world will that be?


On Friday, September 27th at 1pm there will be a global youth strike demanding action is taken to tackle the climate crisis. But this time, young people are calling upon us, the ‘adults’, to join them. This is not another rally to attend, this is a strike! This means walking out of work, refusing shifts or shutting your business for the day. Force of Nature will be striking on Friday, 27th September. We also recognize our privilege and understand striking may not be a viable option for everyone. But if you can, we urge you to join.


Will you stand shoulder to shoulder with our young people on September 27th?

When: 1pm - Friday, September 27th

Where: Meet point is at Vancouver City Hall - 453 West 12th Ave, V5Y 1V4

In our recent op-ed in the Vancouver Sun [1] we declared that ‘climate emergency declarations won’t save us’ but the ‘movement of people...rising up together’, will. This is the movement. This is the moment to show solidarity with young people in Vancouver, Canada and across the world.

For our, and their, futures!


P.S. If you are a business owner and would like to support the strike please fill in this Google form specifying how you can.


http://www.forceofnaturealliance.ca/ "

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