Most Common Superstitions - "Black Cat Passing your Way" - The Truth and Logics. (PartI)

in #superstition7 years ago

Superstition is an religious irrational belief. Usually, it arises from ignorance, misunderstanding, a belief in fate or magic or fear of the unknown.

In our daily lifes, since childhood we have been listening to many Superstitions about various things which bring bad luck to q person in many ways. Recently, I have heard my Grandma getting grumpy due to a black cat who crossed her path. She was very scared because she had a firm belief that now bad luck will spread it's wings upon her.

Honestly speaking, I find no logical grounds of these statements. I mean how could a black cat who crossed your path will bring you bad luck. That cat is also a creature of this planet and equally owns it. Animal might be going somewhere as well or she is homeless, or else, she must be having some important tasks to do like we have!

"Superstition is the poison of the mind"

Joseph Lewis.

Let's discuss the most common and majorly adopted superstition of our society and try to bring some logical grounds for it.

I am going to discuss the major superstitions of our society in various parts daily - Stay intact!!!!.

The Black Cat Superstition:

We have always been listening to a very common Superstition i.e. whenever a black cat crosses your way, it brings bad luck.


It's actual origin is a mystery. Yet, cat's association with Egyptian religion and their ability to move silently and practically undetected along with their sneaky and clever nature brings them closer and familiar to witches, creatures that are imbibed with an evil. Cats are unique creatures that can be soft and pleasant while on the other side bristling and spitting as well. There of superstitions centred around cats, some are colour specific, some not and some even contradict each other.

Different Beliefs and Concepts around the World:

There is different beliefs and Concepts related to cats around the world.

In Scotland

When a strange black cat appears in your porch, it is considered to be a good omen. It means good luck and prosperity.

In Italy

Hearing a cat sneeze in Italy is considered to be a good luck and people belief the property is on their way.

In America

Dreaming of a white cat in America brings good luck while seeing a white cat during sunset is considered to be bringing bad luck among people.

In Netherlands

During private talks of family, cats are not allowed in the room as the cats are feared to spread gossips all over town.

In Ireland

The people or Ireland belief that killing a cat brings 17 years of bad luck. So beware!

I hope you find it interesting. Different people, different countries, different beliefs, different religions.

Some Final Thoughts or Logics:

Your faith is not controlled by a cat. It's just that time and luck plays it's role. That little creature has nothing to do with your luck. If a cat had that power to change your life, than people would have started to worship them instead of God. Everything in this planet has a purpose and same goes with those little fluffy creatures. They are just here to entertain humans and life their little lifes.

Just try something I am going to tell you. The next time a black cat crosses your path, just say “Konichiwa” and take control of your own luck.

Just stay strong and have a firm belief that superstitions are nothing but just a hobby of fools. Do you still think black cats bring bad luck? There's a school of thought that says the same about women too!

Stay tuned as I will be bringing much more Superstition and the logical grounds in my upcoming posts.

Please do upvote, resteem and spread the word to eradicate ignorance from the world.


Superstition is a mystical sensation. I actually live very close to a mountain that is called the Superstition Mountains that is believed to be where an abundance of gold is hidden, but should anyone attempt to steal it would be cursed.

Lol, that sounds interesting. You should use heavy magnets and let the ambulance make it own way. ;)

Thank you! I never believed in Superstition's but better safe than sorry, LOL!
Good post!

Every single thing in this universe has logics behind it's creation. But yes exception exists. Thank you :)!

Thank you very much for this post. I have upvoted, please do the same thing for me to help each other.

You're welcome. Sure thing!

In many parts of the world, superstition is real and many people believe in it.
Thanks for sharing @archerized
I enjoyed your post.
... Following you and pls do stay in touch

Yes, I have also read about it. People do follow many superstitions, which I am going to discuss in my later sequel series of superstitions. Do read and give it a thumbs up! Thank you :)

Yes i will.

Interesting reading, though I think you misuse the word religion to make your point. Religion is essential a system of faith and worship. As you said, no one is worshiping the cat. I don't believe you can call a superstition religious, especially this one.

Your point of view is correct as well. As we all know religion (no matter what it is) it always teaches us virtue and good deeds but human minds are not always able to interpret the actual meaning. They sometimes get incorrect interpretations and follow them foolishly which has no link to religion at all.

I find superstition to be antithetical to religion, and to call it a religious belief is to belittle religion. One rests upon ideas brought through scripture, which, although supernatural, follows its own internal logic. The other is simply a mish-mash of old wive's tales and anecdote.

Thank you very much for this post.

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