Super Quotes #37 : Fyodor Dostoyevsky


I could get used to anything-that is, not really get used, but somehow voluntarily consent to endure it

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Found below in my comments to this post are more quotes by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

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You’ve already said all that. Don’t embroider on it, but prove it!

I wanted to find out then and quickly whether I was a louse like everybody else or a man. Whether I can step over barriers or not, whether I dare stoop to pick up or not, whether I am a trembling creature or whether I have the right...F

حقا إنني لا أدري لماذا الحياة قصيرة هذا القصر كله. لا شك أن الغاية من قصرها هي ألا تكون مملة. ذلك أن

كاملة كقصيدة من قصائد بوشكين. إن

هي أيضا عمل فني من أعمال الخالق الأعظم صاغها صيغة نهائية


الإيجاز أول شروط الفن. ولكن الذين لا يشعرون بالملل يجب أن يُتاح لهم أن يعيشوا مدة أطول

According to my rule, you can find in every woman something - damn it! - something extraordinarily interesting, something you won't find in any other woman. Only you must know how to find it - that's the point! That requires talent! For me ugly women do not exist: the very fact that she's a woman is half the attraction for me- but how could you understand that? Even in old maids you sometimes find something so attractive that you can't help marvelling at the damn fools who've let them grow old without noticing it! The first thing to do with barefooted girls and ugly women is to take them by surprise - that's how one should deal with them. You didn't know that, did you?

They must be surprised till they're enraptured, till they're transfixed, till they're ashamed that such a gentleman should have fallen in love with such a swarthy creature. What's so wonderful is that so long as there are peasants and gentlemen in the world - and there always will be - there will also be such lovely little scullery maids and their masters - that's all one needs for one's happiness.

Je me mis dès lors à lire avec avidité et bientôt la lecture fut ma passion. Tous mes nouveaux besoins, toutes mes aspirations récentes, tous les élans encore vagues de mon adolescence qui s’élevaient dans mon âme d’une façon si troublante et qui étaient provoqués par mon développement si précoce, tout cela, soudainement, se précipita dans une direction, parut se satisfaire complètement de ce nouvel aliment et trouver là son cours régulier.


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