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RE: SuperiorCoin Video on View Only Wallet Use

in #superior7 years ago (edited)

Explain to me what the hell a "view only" superior coin wallet is going to do for me? I need to be able to work with superior coins live on an exchange. Is this a further delay tactic while you scam more money out of people with your new sure coin scam?

With the fact that from the outset people could never withdraw their superiorcoins off your crowdify website (which I see today is gone), the fact that you never reply to all my emails, with all your inconsistencies, coupled with the fact that even if the story you spin is not total BS, why would you not have the decency to allow the people who have invested in superiorcoin the ability to regain their money by allowing Nathan to put superiorcoin on an exchange, to allow people to access their coins? There are a lot of people, who invested a huge amount of money, all of which is lost if they can't access their funds connected to an exchange. What do you personally hope to gain by hindering superiorcoin going to an exchange? It makes absolute no sense to hinder this process, unless you are a liar, a con artist and a thief.

From what I see, this is a total scam and now you are furthering your con by creating sure coin. I would urge people to stay away from sure coin and lolly coin or whatever michael & Yoriko todd i.e. 'crowdifywepayyou' are trying to steal money from you with.

With all of this, the people behind superiorcoin should have given a lot more information as to where things were at, updates also containing proofs. I do see from the superiorcoin facebook page that there is still information as to issues with the superiorcoin wallet and updates. This gives the impression that people are still working on superiorcoin and that there is some hope? Why would an exchange reject a "cryptonote" coin when there are a bunch of crypto coins on exchanges. I see the SEC are starting to look deeper at ICO's and are saying that they are looking to suspend crypto ICO's. I've put up a comment as to this steemit post regarding the SEC that they should look at the people behind superiorcoin.

There are too many conflicting factors with all of this. Know also that in looking at Crowdify it appears that michael todd owns this site. To all those that financially back crowdify or are a part of this site, I would recommend that you get answers from michael todd as to the reality of what is happening with this superiorcoin debacle.

I would also state that if you have created all of this to steal people's money, that all 3 of you i.e. nathan, michael and yoriko, should keep an eye out over your shoulders i.e. you wont' be safe in any third world crap hole. Good luck sleeping soundly.


Hello @bingopinball , I am posting videos not as stall tactic, but as informational videos. I am not associated with Michael Q Todd. SuperiorCoin continues forward and has made several updates on progress that you can see on FB and BCT.

The FB page was stolen and is about to be returned lawyers preparing papers now. You will never get away with this theft you are dreaming

If you were the rightful owner, it couldn't be "stolen" -- c'mon, a social media expert like you ought to know that. Doesn't your 7 Pillars of Bullshit book cover basic FB page management?

All people associated with theft of Superior Coin are headed straight to prison and it must be kept off exchanges so that money can be recovered and people refunded

Please ignore and mute this guy as he is scammer. He does nothing on Steemit except post these comments. Just check his profile @crowdifywepayyou

You're a pathetic little man, Michael. You know you don't have anything. You've been making those false accusations over the past month or longer. But yet there are no authorities doing anything... why? because they're all lies by you to cover your ass. You want to have people believe that you're an innocent victim when you are in fact the perpetrator of a scam. Anytime someone voices their concerns, you block them and slander them, except you can't do it here so keep on running your mouth. It will all catch up with you eventually. -- Let me share my opinion to everyone reading this, the people have been warned, YOU, the reader have been warned, Michael Q. Todd, MQTodd, MQTurd is unreliable, untrustworthy and you should stay away from anything involving money, influence, or anything related to any sort of project online. -- Anybody with questions about this, feel free to contact me, or just do more research before you get into any sort of partnership, arrangement, or business dealing with this sleazeball.

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