Superheroine Battle Arena - Domination, part 8

in #superheroine6 years ago (edited)

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Molly grimaced as the MedicBot scanned her for broken bones or internal injuries. The beating from the SparBots was fierce, but fighting Ninjako was fighting a precision instrument of pain. Some of her hits were to nerve clusters that continued to throb with agony even an hour later. Soon the droid informed her that she had no permanent damage, but Molly felt like her quick healing wasn't making a dent in her injuries.

The door opened and Lucky Star entered carrying another bottle of whiskey and two tumblers, "I'm here with your medicine, Chicky."

Molly struggled to sit up, nursing the ribs on her right side where Ninjako had stomped on them repeatedly. She gladly took the glass and drained it quickly, holding it forward, "Hit me again, doc."

Siobhan poured her another triple shot, "Yuir looking awfully morose, Pinky. Ye had a good fight. Ye'll walk it off and be in tip-top fighting form in no time." She took a swig of her own glass.

"Thanks, Lucky. But it's not just losing... I've got something else I need to do here. I need to find out what Dark Dominatrix is up to."

Lucky Star shrugged, "Ye best not mix it up with her outside of that ring. Part of our contract when we signed on was to keep all our fighting contained to a nice, safe spot. Gals like me and you, we could get into a pub brawl with some holligans no problem. Gals like Ursa Mega or any of the heavyweights, though, they get into a scrap in public and they knock down buildings. Still, we're all under the same laws now."

Molly sighed, "...and since I fought this week I'm not going to be able to fight the Domme next week either. It's like that voodoo witch is taunting me!" Molly tried to stand and realized she had drank way too much too quickly. Siobhan steadied her. "Thanks, Siobhan. I'm glad I have a friend here. Hey! We should be tag partners. Chicky and Lucky!"

Siobhan led her towards the door, "Ye MUST be drunk. It's Lucky and Chicky."


A short man in a rumpled overcoat stood at the intersection of two dirt roads that seemed to go off into infinite. He was non-descript except for the ornate, jade demon mask that covered most of his face. Jade Detective had exhausted all of his methods to track down the missing women. Traditional legwork and forensic science had gone cold. Even mystical divination had failed to generate a lead, which left only one other possibility. The abducted women were on another plane of existence. So Jade Detective came to The Crossroads, where all mortal souls must travel when passing between planes.

Looking through his mask he saw watcher spirits in the periphery of his vision. With a few binding words he snatched them from the ether and commanded them to track down any souls that passed by. "Lucy Ferris. Jessica MacHolland. Melinda Cars..." he paused as he sensed someone approaching. A figure walking, very far away, but not on either road. His mask brought the image closer and he could make out a woman, African-American, tattered clothing. He hesitated. It was dangerous for someone with a soul to walk off the roads, but he needed to reach her.

He bound a travel spirit. He took four steps toward the woman and somehow traveled thousands of yards. He scooped her up and turned back, tumbling back onto the road before an ethereal predator could sniff out his soul. He recognized the woman, immediately. Tamara Jones. "Miss, do you know where you are?"

The woman looked dirty, malnourished. "No."

"Do you know your name?"

She looked up at him with a pathetic look. "Yes. I am nothing."

METROCITY, Superheroine Dormitory

In her private quarters, Valerie DeVille traced her fingers over her own bicep. The power that she had been granted since her last match! The great, dark one was pleased at how she had subjugated yet another superheroine. Breaking her will, making her fear greater than her anger, Blackmare was now her loyal subject. And Cthulhu made Val even stronger as a reward.

"I crave more power," she purred as Blackmare and Ninjako waited nearby to do her bidding. I think it's time I claim one of the Super Heavyweights as a slave for the great Cthulhu." She laughed maniacally and something writhed in the darkness of her inner sanctum.


Part 7 -=- Match 13


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