Expensive Manuka Honey - Bee's Nest stolen in New Zealand

in #superfood8 years ago (edited)

Do you know how serious honey bees have been in recent years? Bees all over the world are dying at an alarming rate! Moreover, species endangered to say that there the hardship of the list containing, and more recently in New Zealand have been stolen hundreds of Nest box.

According to local law enforcement agencies, 400 cases of bees and honey theft have been reported in the six months to January. Do not know who did it, but the police believe that thieves' aim is to lift the value of native " Manuka Honey".

A RARE manuka honey from Manuka flowers originating in New Zealand is extremely popular as a "honey of miracles ". New Zealand's honey industry showed an increase of 35% in one year, bringing NZ $ 315 million. Bruce Robertson, Managing Director of Haines Apiaries, Inc. of the Northland Peninsula, said, "Honey is ridiculously expensive, it's easy to make money with buying and selling nest.

Manuka honey, slightly bitter taste in the mineral is said to have, antibacterial but it is believed that there are (is part of the user seems to be or paint as a help for the topical treatment of wounds, But there is no sufficient information has been found yet. Further investigation of 2012 the, usual honey in manuka honey it contains component was found, called "methylglyoxal" antibacterial component. Manuka Honey which became popular as an " all-purpose food " caused its illegal display and fraud due to its popularity. Where did the epidemic make me think that honey not so delicious has a magical effect? It is no surprise even if it is told that American actress Gwyneth Paltrow and her lifestyle brand "GOOP" fans.

Today, Manuka Honey is worth about $ 104 per kg, and nest box is worth about 1,390 dollars. Laurence Burkin, the manager of honey makers The True Honey Co, told Reuters, " Regardless of whether it is honey or drag, it is a completely new gold rush. " Last month New Zealand was not accidental as she stated "drag" just because it was attacked by another theft trend that steals hundreds of garden figurines to the money want to buy methamphetamine, the stimulant drug .

It is a matter of concern when considering the plight of bees that nest boxes fall into thieves' gossip. By the way, at least one of 400 thefts did not go well and it ended up in a slapstick play. Did not you get it now?


Good information, thanks!

Great, thanks for your positive comment @schamangerbert

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