Photography Challenge - Sun Thursday - The Sky above Berlin in HDR/ Der Himmel über Berlin in HDRsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #sunthursday7 years ago (edited)

The Sky of Berlin in HDR/ Der Himmel über Berlin in HDR

Photochallenge #SunThursday entry

In case you got lost on what photography challenges are running and when, here is an overview on the themes of the photography challenges / Falls Dir die Übersicht fehlt, wann welcher Fotocontest hier auf Steemit stattfindet, hier eine Übersicht der Themen:

Theme con.MonochromeTreeBeachSunLoveBeautiful Sun.
Color con.RedOrangeYellowGreenSkyblueIndigoPurple

A sincere thank you for your upvotes on “Photography Challenge - Sun Thursday - The Sky above Berlin in HDR”, which just received a payout of 79.02$ ($60.88 author and $18.13 for you curators).

I just published “The Sky above Berlin in HDR II” , with multiple pics, including a panoroma view of a sweet spot in Berlin, which you might also enjoy.

Many many thanks to @hr1 @slowwalker @inv @fminerten @steempty @riverhead @dirkzett @steemaccess @redpalestino @wackou @lichtblick @pharesim @roelandp @adol @herzmeister @twinner @kingscrown @bullionstackers @xeroc @hipster @rossco99 @dzone @sulev @afrog @fmooo @steem-id @freiheit50 @uwelang @charlieshrem @anotherjoe @rautie @dwinblood @barrycooper @lastminuteman @berkah @serejandmyself @bitcoiner @boatymcboatface @pairmike @handsolo @puffin @german-trail @brendio @timsaid @zaebars @venuspcs @smailer @dexter-k @grandpere @blakemiles84 @luzcypher @gammagooblin @votingbot @pheonike @theshell @elgeko @adriansky @blueorgy @kiwideb @lovejoy @haphazard-hstead @albertogm @v4vapid @razvanelulmarin @ourlifestory @stephen.king989 @xanoxt @phenom @dirkzett-english @gomeravibz @triddin @meysam @tracemayer @shadowspub @hansikhouse @tygergamer @technovedanta @steemtrail @fortinbuff @condra @silviabeneforti @riosparada @isteemit @tdv.witness @nenad-ristic @tee-em @charlie777pt @ebryans @ogochukwu @nicnas @steemprentice @sacha @fatboy @instructor2121 @ebargains @herbertmueller @dollarvigilante @sethlinson @uuuhha @virtualgrowth @aksinya @yadamaniart @maninayton @unmean-stweets @jessamynorchard @on0tole @cheah @sgtechservices @licklake @prameshtyagi @michaelx @dmilash @sstefan @burnin @steemvest17 @beeskee @fiveboringgames @z3r0d4yz @komischername @pepe.maya @vl248 @raymondspeaks @marinabogumil @dylanhobalart @sabsel @rusteemitblog @borishaifa @jedau @fbechstein @paolobeneforti @jasonrussell @blockchained @healthydelicious @kralizec @globalfoodbook @krishtopa @cloh76 @uwe69 @ihashfury @internutter @always1success @penambang @orenshani7 @okean123 @nadin3 @future24 @steemittalk @michaeladamparis @anton333 @gardening-trail @benjamin.still @mrlogic @konti @steemer0815 @sveokla @luisucv34 @tarazkp @hyiparena @elena-singer @steemfactory @tyler-fletcher @grisha-danunaher @garvofe @stranger27 @nikflossus @samether @safran @crok @nang1 @hitmeasap @nulliusinverba @cgame @adrianmada321 @worldtraveler @heikomahr @romancs @themevlog @psykoize @max-max @rouketas @cmorton @dana-varahi @encryptcy @victoriart @fiction-trail @litrbooh @steemspoker @winstonwolfe @alex1983ch @steemlift @sellergenius @vot @ipumba @libertylol @vegascomic @maxse @marcosespes1 @develcuy @lauralemons @raymonjohnstone @ninkhisibir @gildar @evildeathcore @marialin @frocush @bigbear @leanvix @innafanz @sambassador @randomli @foraging-trail @cfreidsma @reconnectnature @tatianka @accumulator @christoryan @lola-carola @torkot @killbis @irawandedy @kell234 @kooshikoo @food-creator @baerdric @thedailyroto @dahaz159 @bkkshadow @fiona777 @kostaslou @htyfn @killinhersoftly @therajmahal @saqib @omarrium @poetry-trail @sharker @soushi888 @mama-steem @syarrf @nerdlab @pangur-ban @anasya @ekaterinka @maurocostarica @marel @dolov @pjo @seadroo22 @cobalus @bestofreddit @singa @ilovebatcatstew @letc @leno4ek @villainblack @vaibhavshah @bosjaya @mckenziegary @lilwallay @carlos-cabeza @detol @teseo @austrobot @crypto.owl @writingamigo @varunsangwan @skye1 @cdma @dirty.hera @kleryk200 @lukinsawyer @things @steembets @littleboo @raphaelom @thegame @velimir @erikkartmen @ribalinux @chem1cal @ygern @d3nv3r

Tolle Aufnahme und super dass du den Plan gepostet hast :-) Darüber habe ich mir gerade Gedanken gemacht :-) Was ist denn Sonntags?

Vielen Dank! Ja, ich habe selber anfänglich über Google die ganzen Themen rausgesucht, Beiträge verglichen, um zu schauen, ob das Thema stimmt etc. - so ist übersichtlich und hilfreich für ein jeden Newbie oder so Vergesslichen, wie ich das bin.

Super. Sehr gerne mein lieber :-)

Deine Frage habe ich vorhin ganz übersehen, BeautifulSunday & Purple hat es leider verschluckt :)

Great view!

Thank you very much, just had a look at your recent article. Good work!

Wow, what a beautiful pictures.
Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much globalfoodbook - this time I got it right ;)

you are welcome

Great work man UpVoted, would mean allot if you could stop by my last post and let me know what you think!

Many thanks @adriansky, your entry looks awesome. Good catch of lightning and scenery!

Like wise and thank you for the kind words

You are very welcome.

To everyone, who may read this,
@adriansky 's is worth further upvotes ;)

Klasse Post und mal etwas anders die Sonne ins Licht gerückt!

Herzlichsten Dank, auch für das Trommel schlagen.

War mir eine Ehre

ok, I will try to submit my challege soon :)
Just upvoted and followed you, can you please do the same for me?
Thanks a million!

Resteemed :)

Thank you @themevlog, I will check your entry and your blog later one!

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