A Little Sun on a Down Day


Hey Y'all

Being That Steem is in the Toilet

I thought We Could All Use a Little Sunshine

On SunThursday


So the price of Steem is a bit sad right now. Since I started on Steemit, I had gotten into the habit of taking half of my earnings out and powering up the other half. It was kind of funny that while Steem was going higher and higher, I was kicking myself for not powering it all up! Now of course I am kicking myself for not powering it all down!!!


I know it really makes it hard to want to get out and upvote as we see our vote become less and less. I guess we have to keep the faith the Steem will rise again.


I hope some of this sun has even in the smallest way brightened your day. Never forget, we are all in this together. I wanted to shout out @uwelang for having started SunThursday, but more importantly for being a great Steemer.


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.



By continuing to use the platform, we show our confidence in it. I agree the mood around these parts is sullen and people are missing in action. I'm still here and steeming:) Some lovely shots, Paul.

Well thats the spirit, Pryde. It never fails, when the coin is down, folks dont think it is worth their time. Then when it goes up, they come back and wonder why no one is voting for them lol. I was here at 7 cents and I was here at 7 bucks. Plus its not just a Steem thing. I am still enjoying sharing and interacting with great Steemers like you ;)

I am on Steemit for 297 days now. I joined on 2017 May 17.
So I was not here at 7 cents, but I also believe in this platform.
I agree with you and also with @prydefoltz. It's nice to meet both of you!
Thank you for reading!
Enjoy Steemit!
Have a nice evening!


Thanks for attempting to bring a bit of sunshine on an otherwise bloody, bloody day. I'm personally not worried, but many are feeling pretty stressed. This too shall pass!

Totally agree. I am still having fun, so to me that what counts.

Gorgeous light in these shots
I have had similar thoughts except I haven’t been cashing out half
With the price drop it does make me wonder if I should have but ohh well I always said I was here for the long run and didn’t plan to cash out till I became a dolphin so will stick the course and hope for some climbing in price soon

Love the first pic with the red leaves and sun shining through.

That lake looks like a snowmobile runway. :)

I really like this, very good and beautiful pictures

Those are some nice rays!

Don't worry, it will go up again. This is like a rollercoaster, just like to stock market.
I love your first photo. Have a nice evening old-guy 😃

Thank you and I do believe you are right. Have a great weekend!

Thank you, you too!

Well! Thanks for the cheer up.

I think whether steem is up or down is all relative. Our voting power might be less but so are the rewards generally. So it works out. I think I might start going 100% on my posts.....for a while to build up my SP. It'll go up again....it's bc of the stuff going on in your country .... at least that's my story and I'm stuck with it :)

These are sunny and happy photos. I like them :)

First picture is really nice. Feels like spring. I'm re steeming this post.

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