SunThursday - Sun peeking through a Gaudi's building

The Sagrada Familia is a unique temple

In the photo it's the oldest facade: The Nativity façade which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005.

On the right side, where the sun is peeking, it's being built the Tower of the Virgin Mary

I particularly love this photo because sun reminds me a warm heart sending positive energy.
(I will write more about my visit to Barcelona and the amazing places I've visited in the following days/ weeks.)

Have a great Thursday, and don't forget tomorrow is Friday and time to share some love # LoveFriday

Please do not forget to check the other daily photography challenges:
Weekday Challenges:

Other challenges


I'm curious about your visit to Barcelona! I've always wanted to visit the city but hadn't had the chance yet... So I would love to see it through someone else's eyes :)

I will, I promise! I wanted to do this trip since 2009 when I saw "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" movie, finally I had the opportunity​ this year :)

Looks awesome, i’d love to explore the inside!

It is surprisingly beautiful (or not that surprising, because it's a project of Gaudi, a front ahead​ archiect!)
I'll try to share it in a Barcelona series asap.

Foto fantástica na maravilhosa (e ainda em obras, sempre!) Sagrada Família!

Exato! Uma obra de outro mundo! Incrivel mesmo :)

Bom dia Liliana, esta também é uma cidade que desejo conhecer, ainda não tive oportunidade por isso fico à espera dos teus comentários :)

Assim farei quando tiver um bom par de horas livre! :)

And its shinny like never before,so is the day so bright...thanks for this.

Interessante... Gostei... Boa sorte

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