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RE: Happy are those - Sunshine and Happiness

in #sunthursday5 years ago


Surely you jest, am I reading this right?
Do you think I would quote
Without saying who wrote it?

Thank you. ;) A little rhyme-y but, hey, doncha know... It was the best I could do, especially on the run.

I'm glad you like the flowers. Haha! You don't have to have a reason to like them. Flowers just make me irrationally happy. Good enough reason for me. :)

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words! Have a great day!




Hi Denise.

The reason I asked is because on previous occasions I have exuberantly congratulated people on their fine poetic creations only for them to inform me that it was Wordsworth. I suspected it was yours, though.

The style is familiar, like some famous Victorian poet, but I can't put my finger on exactly who. The Victorian poets were big into writing about Nature.

In any event, I really like it. It flows nicely. "

... numbered and few

Nice phrase.


Aren't you supposed to give a source when you use a quote? I like the Victorian styling myself, it is demure and oh-so-lovely.

I meant to ask you, the link you gave me was to an old post. I didn't forget your thing and please tell me I have until tomorrow to do one. :)


The Contest's Deadline is August 25, 11:59 UTC. Here's the post link:

The PHC twist is that you must apply the Contest's "flawless" writing prompt ... to a "Pork Roast."

Good Luck. Take no prisoners. :-)


Thanks, Quill. @quillfire

You 're awesome. Now I have to enter. LOL

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