Hello Loves (;

in #sunshine6 years ago

I am very happy to announce that soon I will be able to meet the love of my life. Although me and him have been though so much since I was in 7th Grade. I am 17 now, but through the years he has shown me how to be happy and to learn respect and not be such a spoil brat (even though I still am haha). I am very nervous, but so happy to meet him as he plans to be here for a week and spending 3 days with his dad and 2 with me if not more. We currently do not have anything special planned out, but if you have any ideas comment below it be highly appreciated(: I do believe that we will be going on a dinner date and if he hasn't asked me out yet I am planning to make the move and I'd till more able it after the move happens! This summer has been a roller coaster as I have been dealing with extreme anxiety problems including depression and to the point someday I don't even wanna be alive, but I am here and am happy to be here as I have an amazing mom and family that I know will always support me even if I mess up. I have reconnected with a friend I talked about earlier in my blog that did put me through bad situations and although we don't always see eye to eye we have talked though things and she has realized what happened that night wasn't okay and hasn't done stuff like that anymore. No we will not be as close as we used to be, but I will learn to accept her again and watch as she grows and be there if she need me too!