The moment is so beautiful at sunset

in #sunset6 years ago

Hi everyone.

Selamat siang semuanya,bagsimana kabar kalian hari ini,semoga sehat dan sanggup menjalani aktivitas duniawi.Pada pertemuan kali ini,saya akan berbagi kisah sedikit tentang,saat matahari terbenam.Seperti yang kita ketahui,alam merupakan anugerah tuhan yang sangat indah,untuk kita menikmatinya setiap saat.

Good afternoon everyone, how are you today, hopefully healthy and able to undergo worldly activities. At this meeting, I will share a little story about, at sunset. As we know, nature is a very beautiful gift from God, for us to enjoy it any time.

Seperti yang ada pada foto kali ini,beginilah suasana disaat matahari terbenam,yang dihiasi warna-warni yang ada dilangit.Untuk kita menikmati suasana matahari terbenam,kita bisa melihatnya dimana saja tempat.

As in the photo this time, this is how the atmosphere at sunset, which is decorated with colors that are on the sky. For us to enjoy the atmosphere of the sunset, we can see it anywhere.

Kebanyakan dari kita mungkin,sangat suka menikmati momen matahari terbenam,karena suasana begitu damai,hanya suara burung dan suara azan terdengar dimana saja,menyambut kedatangan nya malam.

Most of us may, really like to enjoy the moment of sunset, because the atmosphere is so peaceful, only the sound of birds and the sound of the call to prayer sounds everywhere, welcoming the arrival of the night.



Very beautiful sunset..pat nyan?

Keude krueng😀😀😀

Bereh,,blo vot ju beu jai nek bagah rayeuk steem power,,investasi masa depan lewat steemit..hehe

😀😀 bereh nyan

Bek smpe kosong that lagenyan,rugo neu tumuleh nyan mnyo meu rata2 postingan neuh awak vot cma 0,60...😊

Keude krueng😀😀😀

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