Aroma de domingo-Sunday Scent Experience-Expectativa/ Expectation

Hola amigos, Aquí estamos otra vez.
Esta entrada es para el dulce desafío dominical de nuestro amigo @dutchess , por el desafío de #Sundayscentexperience , siempre es divertido.
Hello friends, here we are again.
This entry is for the sweet Sunday challenge of our friend @dutchess, for the challenge of #Sundayscentexperience, it's always fun.


Desde Navidades, Tengo una tableta grafica Intuos.
No había tenido tiempo de probarla.
Ayer tuve ese tiempo que no sacaba de ninguna parte, por fin la cogí.


Since Christmas, I have an Intuos graphic tablet.
I had not had time to try it.
Yesterday I had that time that I did not get out of nowhere, finally I took it.

No había usado nunca una de ellas, así que estaba nerviosa y expectativa.
Como una niña que empieza a dibujar, con miedo de salirse de la raya.
Con miedo de no saber hacerlo.
Me llego el aroma de esos tiempos de mi infancia, temerosa, ansiosa y tímida
I had never used one of them, so I was nervous and expectant.
Like a girl who starts to draw, afraid to get out of line.
Afraid of not knowing how to do it.
I get the scent of those times of my childhood, fearful, anxious and shy


Me resulto muy difícil dominar el bolígrafo, recuerdo que con el ratón del ordenador al principio también me paso.
Así que mi aroma e volvió miedoso
I found it very difficult to master the pen, I remember that with the computer mouse at the beginning I also happened.
So my aroma became fearful

Capas y más capas, no parecía que nada saldría bien.
Pero también me entró el aroma a QUE MAS DA.
¿Conocéis ese aroma? Llega un punto que te relajas, eres mayor, no te conocen y si te conocen te da igual, casi has perdido la vergüenza.
But I also get the aroma of WHAT MAKES MORE.
Do you know that aroma? There comes a point that you relax, you are older, you do not know and if you know you do not care, you have almost lost the shame.


Mis trazos se hicieron más naturales y ligeros.
My strokes became more natural and light
Bueno esta es mi Odisea con la tableta grafica Iintuos.
Espero mejorar poco a poco, pero no es fácil.
Well this is my Odyssey with the Intuos graphic tablet.
I hope to improve little by little, but it is not easy.

Seguiré intentándolo, quiero percibir el aroma de, LO TENGO DOMINADO jeje
I will continue trying, I want to perceive the aroma of, I HAVE DOMINATED hehe

Esto también es para enseñarle mi primer trabajo a esa gran artista que es @dmcamera
This is also to show my first job to that great artist who is @dmcamera

Feliz domingo oloroso animaros y participar.
Happy Sunday smelling encourage and participate.
Original content by @txatxy*

Ven a tomar un café conmigo

Come and have a coffee with me



Me encanta el trabajo que has hecho, quedó precioso.

muchas gracias cielo no Sol jeje para ser el primero
feliz domingo

Wow! This is a PHANTASTIC post! You take us through a scala of feelings and you even can show us how different we acchieve when under stress or in confidence. And that feeling has a smell to you, how beautiful ! That means that the other way around it can work as a signalimg system to you. Great post @txatxy - this is what itis all about, my small challenge ❤❤❤

thank you very much beautiful, what I tell is what I feel, I hope to feel the smell of the commie hehe.
happy week and thank you again

Nice click and wish you have a nice sunday friend.

hello good morning, happy sunday

You did well, @txatxy, and in time you will be a master! Happy Sunday!

JEJE will cost me a lot, happy Sunday beautiful

hee hee I never evaluated the creative process from the position of smells. very original!!!!

There was also a smell of burning and it was my brain hehe.
happy Sunday

hee hee hee

wow...excellent art....
i love art...
thank you for sharing...
dear @txatxy...

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