Sunday Scent Experience "Making Triple Berry Jam" by Sunscape


This is my Sunday Scent Experience making Tripple Berry Jam. We had a lot of Blackberry, Red Raspberry and Strawberries in the freezer from this summers harvests. I decided to make a few different batches of Jam with them. Below you can see my husband assisting with the constant stirring as the jam comes to a full boil. Nice to have help in the kitchen. He is getting very good at canning our harvests with me.



Is your mouth watering? Can you smell the berries cooking as the delicious aroma fills the entire house? Oh my! It tasted so good too.

Thank you @dutchess for initiating the 'Sunday Scent Experience' So come and join us everyone and let your imagination run wild and enter into the magic of the moment.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Sunscape's Soap Shop


When I was little, my mom and I would pick strawberries in the summer so that we could make big batches of jam - it really takes me back! And I certainly do remember the sweet sugary smells that floated around the house as we went through the process of boiling the sugar and berries!

I used to do the same with my mom, we would hit the fields and pick for hours. There is nothing like homemade jam and strawberry is always a favorite

Wow homemade jam, one thing i have yet to make! Looks incredible and using your homegrown fruit makes it the best quality jam ever. Lucky you had your husband helping you out with the stirring, I hope you both enjoyed some jam on toast after!

I do enjoy it daily, he makes me one slice everyday to have with my coffee. Did you get the recipe? Also you don't have to use all the ingredients, only the ones you want as long as you have a butter to help solidify it. You may not want to use the coconut oil, some people choose not to.

Hey @sunscape,
I'm so sorry I haven't replied until now! Yes I did get your recipe for the lotion, thank you very much for sharing it with me. I have it saved and when I can get the necessary components I will definitely be attempting to make it :) one of the things I do have is coconut oil so I will probably use it!

Thank you for letting me know i am sure it will help you. Put in it what you are feeling led to and it will be perfect for you.

Great job, how many jars did you make.

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