Episode 1024
Full Metal Ox Day 959
Renaissance Year Episode 1024
Sunday Melánge 92
It wasn't until the early part of this century that started getting into self help books and motivation speakers and their schtick. Of course, after listening to many of them I detected a pattern, which became another piece of my 7 dimensional puzzle.
I have almost a disembodied association with the 1980s. I'll tell you more in the episode.
Today's rantcast is complete. Absorb and evaluate it for yourself. See if you relate. I was there, but I was THERE, like Boomers were there.
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YouTube: The Fitness Journey: Fortnight Fitness, Summer Sculpting. Follow me and decide if it's working. We're keeping the 7 latest workout sessions linked for You! Witness the process & the progress.
Spec Forces Double Play: Episode 131
Monkey Bars 30
Thorsday Vanity: Episode 130
Super Power Tuesday Episode 129
Rain Day Motivation: Park Session 16
100% Sabado: Episode 128
Supercharged Roktober: Monkey Bars Session 29
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Living is the best part of life.