Do you really know what He is capable of doing?

in #sunday-school6 years ago

God is the Almighty.

We know that and we say it all the time. But the truth is, some of us do not really know how Mighty He really is. We underestimate his capability by limiting Him.

Here’s an example of how we sometimes limit God.

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You are in need of something, let’s say, a car to get to work everyday or to ease your movement generally.
You decide to pray to God for it. But then, just before you ask, your conscience reminds you of your status. It tells you you only earn 50k monthly or something smaller, or why would you even be thinking of a car when you can make do with a tricycle? It reminds you of your savings which is nowhere close enough to getting a car.

You are also reminded you do not have any rich uncle or aunt who could assist in your getting a car neither do you even have a collateral to use in acquiring a loan from the bank so you could get a car. In total, the probability of you getting a car is absolutely zero.
But then, if you were to ask for a tricycle or a wheelbarrow to aid in transporting your goods, then that would be feasible enough. After all, you already have more than half of the money somewhere and God could miraculously provide the rest.

With this is mind, we ask for what we think God can provide – A tricycle or a wheelbarrow!

Another example is in our studies.
We see a course that is a little difficult for us. We try our best reading as much as we can. Then when praying, we say,

Dear Lord, even if it is a D I’ll get in this course, I will appreciate it. I just do not want to fail.

Question; What is wrong with asking for a car or an A?

It’s just like Bill Gates’ daughter walking up to him and asking for 5 dollars when what she really needs is 50. It just does not make sense! He can do it, so why not just go ahead and ask?

I guess we limit God because we do not know how Mighty He really is. Well you are about to find out what He is actually capable of.
I will use an example from the Bible.

The Israelites were running, with the Egyptians in hot pursuit. They soon got to a road block in the form of a Sea. There was no way through. Going back was out of the question.

We are all familiar with God’s way of solving this problem. He parted the Sea in two just so His children could walk through. He chose a medium that was not in any way logical.
There was also the time the walls of Jericho was an obstacle for the Children of Israel. Guess how God asked them to bring it down? Shouting!

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Image: Wikimedia commons

We should get one thing ringing in our minds always whenever we walk up to God asking for something. He is capable of turning things around for your good! He is capable of the impossible. He is capable of bringing to existence things that were not in existence or things that no one imagined could ever exist. That is the God we serve!

He can make a way when there seem to be no way

We use that statement a lot that sometimes, the meaning does not really register in us. Those situations that seem impossible, is actually God’s specialty.

So instead of giving Him requests that sounds logical to you, attempt out-of-the-boxness requests (stealing that from @surpassinggoogle). God is the one who said cast all your burdens, ask and you shall receive and all that. Hence do not be scared of asking, trust me, He is capable.
Thanks for reading!


Thanks for sharing this @fejiro and reminding us how Mighty God is!

Thanks ma'am

This post was feautured in the TCCNS show report. Thanks for attending the show.

Glad I did... Even though network threw me out later on

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