May 21–22 BitRent Takes its #1 Blockchain Hub to the Largest Summit in Asia

in #summit6 years ago

Just 7 days before the start of the summer season, BitRent’s top executives will take part in the FINWISE Summit in Tokyo

FINWISE Summit is one of the most influential blockchain events in the world. Every year hundreds of talents, representatives of leading industries and stunning entrepreneurs of the Digital World come together to strengthen cooperation, share experience and present blockchain and crypto ideas of an absolutely new format. Despite the different areas of activity, all participants of FINWISE Summit have one similar trait and purpose — all of them are evangelists and practitioners of the blockchain technology.

The event in Tokyo is only the third FINWISE Summit in history — the first two took place in Shanghai and Macau. And now, May 21st, Tokyo will be in the spotlight of the of the global financial and technical sector.

BitRent team presented its most promising and expected project in history — BitRent Blockchain Hub. Specialists of the platform for construction investments believe that in the era of rapid development of blockchain, it is very important to have the appropriate blockchain infrastructure — the facilities that will be located first in large blockchain regions — Asia, America, Europe and the Middle East, and then in all countries of the world. BitRent Blockchain Hub is a technological project; its main goal is to create a blockchain ecosystem for all participants in this field.

BitRent Hub’s area amounts to 5’000 sq. m., with 5 floors 1’000 sq. m. each. The first floor will be designed for a co-working center for blockchain startups, with representatives of new projects to have direct access to the industry leaders, investors, blockchain alliances and clubs. That’s the very place where these projects can grow to become large companies. The Hub’s remaining 4 floors are meant for business centers. Here blockchain startups and diverse project participants will be able to communicate, share experience and information, hold meetings with investors and users, conduct presentations, seminars and hackatons.

BitRent Hub will provide the best conditions for blockchain clubs and alliances, crypto funds, mining centers and other blockchain communities to open representative offices here.

The first object to be built in this network is BitRent Hub San Francisco. The complex will be located in Silicon Valley — Sunnyvale, California. The construction site of the future Hub is filled with the spirit of technological advancements and innovations and surrounded by offices of Apple, LinkedIn, Mercedes-Benz and Juniper. In fact, that’s the place where the most important decisions of the whole global IT industry are made. That’s exactly why the first Hub will be built in the Silicon Valley, USA.

The conference will be attended by more than 2500 people, 60 global corporations, more than 70 media representatives and 100 representatives of the investment sector.

BitRent expects that the new project will catch buzz in the blockchain environment, as there are no projects on the market like it.

Today the word “blockchain” is still very often associated with the desperate attempts of beginners and amateurs to use this term for the sake of hype and drawing attention. BitRent wants to cultivate a new way of thinking in the global community that sees the blockchain as a purely professional environment where innovations and solutions with long-term prospects are born.

We are waiting for you at the FINWISE Summit in Tokyo!

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