in #summer5 years ago

Not much to say actually.
It's just too hot.




FRIDAY 26 July 2019




"Some like it hot, some like it not..."

This is way too much, way too high, way too long. On the bright side, from sunday onwards we are back to some better temperatures.

Well besides the fact that it is a day off, it will be one of the rare occasions that it will be my favorite day of the week.
Worst day of the week: Monday, ofcourse. But right after that: Sunday.
So for once (and because of the lower temperatures): welcome Sunday.

Cheers to the upcoming sunday, for once it is cool!

This summer is the worst we had for long long time

Here so far so good. Although 40+ is just a bit too much.

Mental isn't it!

36 showing here in middle England, I was hearing 40 down in the capital.

Tomorrow it is raining though, and 18 on Saturday. That's your lot folks!

Here still tropical tomorrow, for the weekend 27/28 and some rain possible also.
Miss Mallorca already?

Yes. Today reminds me just how good it is to be 30 seconds from a pool and 5 mins from the sea!

Dammit, indeed quite a step back ...

A step I'm thinking about taking every day :)

Can imagine that man. Am back in Holland four years now, but since a couple of months there isn't a day I'm not thinking about going back to France ...

Well, then why don't you??

aaah now I see where hot summer is lost! in your place! give it back pls:))
here in the southern Russia we have the coldest summer for many last years! it's awful, I miss our ordinary +40:)

Tonight i'm gonna do a raindance just like indians. Hope this will cool off the situation a bit. Can hardly sleep at night.

I think you have overdone it a bit man. The stage in the Tour de France had to be aborted 22 km before reaching the finish line ...

Yeah you're probably right. What I did was almost asking for extreme weather. Next time better keep my clothes on.

Wow that's so hot humans has to change it i mean that's no common in your country, you have to drink a lot of water and avoid direct contact with sun at middle day. Regards friend

This contains a lot of water also. And indeed it is rather exceptional in my country.


Bright side ... don't need fuel to fry and egg ...

Done this once on the hood of a car. Works great.

Wow the weather is really hot where you are, I wonder how you and others right there are coping with such hot weather @smasssh

Drinking a lot, stay in the shade as much as you can and walk just a little slower as usual is the best you can do.

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