Learn what to eat and what should not be eaten in the summer

in #summer6 years ago

By basantWed,May23imageThe winter season is ending and summer has knocked. In the summer season, it is most important for your health to take care of the diet. If you do not take proper care of the diet in this season then it is decided to get sick. Increasing temperature in the heat affects our body. That is why we should take such a diet so that the body can combat this hot weather. The digestive system also weakens in summer, so it is important to take a fresh and light diet. Do not eat stale and bad food in this season. Ritu Giri, Senior Dietician of Metro Hospital, is telling what food and what should not be eaten during this season.

Do such a day
Start your day with a glass of water in the summer season. Make a healthy breakfast in the morning, thereby keeping energy in your body for a long time. Include sprouts, fruits, buttermilk, milk, curd, egg, salad, such as carbohydrate and protein rich in breakfast. Include things in the food so that there is no water shortage in your body. The beginning of the day should never be hungry stomach.

Advertising imageWhat do you eat in summer?
Eat more than seasonal fruits and green vegetables. Fruits and vegetables found in this season are full of pulp, soft and water. Include watermelon and melon, cucumber, chickpea, mint in the diet. It contains 90% water and is also rich in vitamin A, anti-oxidant and calcium. Add curd to the milk instead of milk. Include the onion in the diet, there is a query on the onion that relaxes you in the warmth of the rashage on your skin in summer. Grapes are also abundant in this season. Grapes contain lycopene, which protects skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. In this season it is necessary to eat homemade and easily digestible food.
Liquidate more
This season should increase the Liquidity Diet. Add buttermilk, lassi, lemon water, coconut water to the diet. In summer, there is dehydration in the body, so drink plenty of water. You must drink 3 to 4 liters of water daily. Drink fresh fruit juice a lot, but avoid drinking canned juice. Green tea can also drink but reduce consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

Do not eat?

· Do not eat more fried, creamy food.

· Stay away from high-fat foods.

· Stay away from caffeine, dehydration increases.

· Eat less sweets in summer.

· Do not eat stale food, fear of food poisoning.

· Do not even eat food in restaurant, dhaba

· Avoid eating processed and packaged food.

· Reduce non-veg food.thanks


Your selected article very nice because everyone eat enough but we don't know that what type of food is essential for our body & what type of food should be eat so thanks for your good information.I think you give us more information.

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