Suicide wasteland

in #suicide6 years ago

Sometimes you can only tell it how it is; and then sometimes how it is tells you...


It’s a little thing this life, made up of small moments that pass too soon, and huge disappointments that take something from you each time until you’re too small to make a difference and too hurt to care.

They tell you things will change, just hold on, but wherever you go there you are and there you’ll stay.

Doors open and close in the steel trap of living where what you think in the surge occasionally comes to be to give you a time of relief, but to finish sooner than later, and then you bleed for it and find there’s no cure, not even when you end it, for it is written you’ll come back again to carry on where you left off; and you feel if that’s true then there’s no escape.

And looking around, you see the not so secret messages left by all the others who have passed this same way of torment and trouble where the half formed plea for help is ready to join the many already fallen, and if not today then tomorrow.

And so sick and tired you escape into any small diversion that will take your mind away from it all for even the briefest time and you call it life and what hope there is, is no hope at all in the mud of the suicide wasteland where you live and survive to bury yourself and become ever darker until your very existence is but a curse with no release, not even the grave.

Yes, wherever you go, there you are.

Image from Pixabay


I felt a bit of sadness coming on yesterday and listened to someone saying when you feel this way who are you concentrating on spirit or something else? Is there something you need to let go of.

Use your heart when you think of this.

I think I would let go of whatever it is but I can't find it and now I just feel tired of life

well everyone goes through it get some sleep if that is it.
A better choice is to focus within.
Inside is the happiness not out here. I love Dr. Joe Dispenza look him up on youtube..hold on let me give you the link to a guy that was depressed for 20 years. He is very happy now. @wales

Dr Joe has books, etc. Look at his books and other items here

I'll take a look but I've been depressed pretty much all my life and everything is an effort

Well, you will not have any relief unless you do something different. Look only if you want to.

I got to thinking if you are depressed please get help from the proper health professionals. I am not trained in that area. This stuff we are writing about is for you if you want.

I'm a writer; perhaps tomorrow I will write something ecstatically happy

Well, I looked at the title of this post and thought he better get help. Glad to read you are okay.

This is so depressing read. I know. This is life, but surely life is not, can't be, this depressing. They say if you count the things that you have, you have everything, but if you count the things that you don't have, you have nothing - or something to that extend. So, if you only look at the sadness in your life, there is only sadness. But if you look at all the happiness in your life, there is only happiness. So, perhaps a change of mindset and attitude will do the trick - transform life from a sad one to a happy one.
I know it is just writing. So, perhaps it is good writing because it moved me.

Thank you, I have changed my mind-set and am now very happy

I am happy to hear that. Take care and keep well.

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