When does suicide become a legitmate option ?

in #suicide7 years ago (edited)

There are many people in this world who are suffering. There also many people in this world who are not fit for life. For many of these people there are no other options but to take their own life. Whether they failed as a provider, lover or simply cannot deal with the emotional or physical pain that life has charged them with, some are a lot quicker than others to act on these emotions.

Unfortunately, with the world we live in becoming more and more of a hateful place, this begs the question, when does suicide become a legitimate option? Though there will always be collateral damage as result of someone taking their own live, at least this pain is restricted to the people around them, rather than manifesting itself on countless numbers of others who may fall victim to these peoples suffering when they finally decide to perform the enviable, and start taking lives other than their own.

So with this being said, if someone is highly likely to some time in the future take the live of someone else, do you feel as if this is a just cause for someone to take their own life before they take the live of someone who is innocent ? If someone had a propensity and uncontrollable urge to sexually abuse a member of the opposite sex or same sex, do you think that is a justifiable option for them to take their own life, before they act on these urges?

Sometimes it is not as easy as simply saying that these individuals should abstain from these activities. The problem is, that many of the individuals that make these types of statements are making these generalizations based on there own observations and experiences in life. Many of them are fathers or mothers that have not experienced the same things that have lead the individuals in question to lead the life they do. For in some cases, the people who conduct these heinous crimes feel as if they are the victim themselves, and they are simply seeking justice in the only way they know how - by exploiting the innocent. For they were innocent at one point and that innocence was stolen from them and for the majority of their life they remain vengeful and full of hate, rather than moving on and forgiving.

These are the type of people that cannot be helped and in my opinion have a justifiable right to end their own life. These are the people in my opinion that should be honored in death, instead of stigmatized. These are the people who took their own lives in an effort to spare the blood of the innocent. The people who couldn't be more wrong are the people who expect these individuals to live with this type of pain in isolation - usually on the streets or social assistance just scrapping by , while they go home to their beautiful wife and 2 kids and white picket fence, basking in the American dream, while these people are overwhelmed by their thoughts and pray that the voices in their heads stop before their heart does.


Many people are commited in suiside for the main reason of povert....

I agree with you on that. I wouldn't wish poverty on my worst enemy.

I believe that no matter the pain - love conquers all... When these individuals reach out to the right people, i believe things can turn around for the better.

To me personaly it is never a valid option to take (out) ...
I have been on the recieving end a few times sadly, having to deal with people opting out on life, and it just isn't fair on the ones that are left behind...

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