HISTORY NAMING WEH PESANGANsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #suhadi-gayo6 years ago

Peusangan River as the mouth of Lake Laut Tawar, until now not known asbabun nuzulnya. To disclose it, it needs to be investigated first: is the name valid from upriver village / Totor Balé to qualified in the Malacca Strait? Because, usually the name of the river, such as: Nile in Egypt, Musi in Palembang, Mahakam in East Kalimantan; from the day up to the free sea estuary, only one name. However, this is not the case with the Arve River that flows and encounters the Rhône river in Geneva, Switzerland. From here, the Rhône river continues to flow through the Swissland border with Germany.

So, does "Wéh Pesangan" resemble the story of the Arve river that bemuara to Rhône river or even more than that? The story below that comes from the lyrics Didong, kekeberen and this myth would be helpful to give a temporary answer.

Lake Laut Tawar whose water content is supplied from: Wéh Kul Kenawat, Wéh Kul Towèren (wéh Kala Nempan), Wéh Kul Rawe, Wéh Kul Kalang, Wéh Kul Nosar, Wéh Kul Mengaya, Wéh Kul Bewang, Wéh Kul Kala Bintang, Wéhni Kala Rengkè , Wéhni Genuren, Wéhni Kala segi, Wéhni Gegarang, Wéhni Kelitu, Wéhni Mendalé, Wéh Kul Kebayaken (Kala Lengkio), Wéhni Kala Mampak; empties into the river "Wéh Pesangan". Anèhnya, within a distance of approximately 8 km to Belang Bebangka, the name "Wéh Pesangan" disappeared and changed into "Wéh Totor Lukup Rhino", as encountered in the lyrics Didong: "ninget ke ilen kao, kite niri bersesangulen i Lukup Badak", (Do you remember, when we bathed in the river Langat Badak Bridge).

Residents in this region only know "Wéh Totor Lukup Rhino", not "Wéh Pesangan". Even stranger, within a radius of about 30 km from Totor Balé to Kampung Silih Nara, another name for this river comes up: "Wéhni Gele" or "Wih Silih Nara", not "Wéh Pesangan". In fact, this river is named "Kala Laut".

Because in its center lies a large rock, it is called "Atu Timang" (Stone weighs). Up here, the name "Wéh Pesangan" is not heard anymore. The only known "Atu Timang", which is often questioned where it is; including Cèh Syèh Midin in the lyrics of the song "Atu Timang" asked: "All this time we pekekune the contents of die" Atu Timang. "(All this time we wonder, where would" Atu Timang "). Now it's been answered already. Even lined with Didong lyrics: "I Kala laut, Atu Timang, Abang" (In Kala laut, Atu Timang, Abang).

Anyone Gayo, when called "Atu Timang", will imagine the story / legend Malim God, because; upon arrival at this location; on a journey down the river from coastal Aceh upstream "Wéh Pesangan" and for the first time, Malim Dewa weighs, where actually the hair of Princess Bensu is long listened and sought after. The "weighing" event is then linked later with the bridal couple between Malim Dewa-Putri Bensu. So, "Atu Timang" is the forerunner-prologue-of their love in the myth of "Malim Dewa" whose story is very interesting and complicated, because to marry Princess Bensu, Malim Dewa must pass several episodes to steal the buns of the longest decomposed Princess that.

In addition, "Atu Timang" meets water from "Wéh Pesangan" which flows from Lake Laut Tawar with water "Wéhni Pelang" flowing from a combination of three rivers: Wéhni Kuyun, Wéhni Celala and Wéhni Rusip. "Wéhni Pelang" leads to "Wéhni Sikiren". Here it is clear that: from the upstream of "Wéh Pesangan" (Totor Balé) to "Wéhni Sikiren" which is about 30 km away, there are various names.

From "Wéhni Sikiren", this river water flows to "Wéhni Serempah", continues to "Wéhni Berawang Elephant" and next to "Wéhni Jalung". Up in Jalung, this river flows into "Wéhni Enang-enang" and flows into the village of Pantan Lah ("Wéh Kala lehop"). From here it spilled into "Kruëng Mané" and finally empties into the open sea, the Malacca Strait.

There are two things that become thesa here, first: the emergence of various names along the river is flowing. second: whether the word "couple" comes from the beginning of a love story between two malim gods-princess Bensu in "Atu Timang", which later changed the title to "Pesangan" (Gayo language); or derived from the word "Peusangan" (Acehnese language)? Because the title is very similar.

It is legitimate to say that the word "pesangan" comes from "Peusangan". However, it is totally irrelevant to be used as a standard to show the name of the river; because in the Acehnese language, the word "Peusangan" has no meaning whatsoever, except: it refers only to the name of a village in Jeumpa Regency, Bireuen-its location is far from the Krueng Mané area -with water "Wéh Pesangan".

Similarity of speech / designation between "Peusangan" and "Pesangan", can not also be used as a pretext that it comes from the word "Peusangan". Because, between the Gayo language and Aceh does not always have the same meaning. For example, the word "Bireuen" (Acehnese) has no meaning whatsoever, besides the name of the city; while "Biren" in Gayo means: "pay". Similarly the word "Tiro" (Acehnese) has no meaning whatsoever, except: the name of the village in Pidie District; while the word "Tiro" in Gayo, means "ask".

There is a vocabulary of Aceh and Gayo languages that are similar in name, namely: "Luhu" (Acehnese) and "lehu" (Gayo language) both of which mean "Fertile". But in this context, there is no relevance. Strictly speaking, the resemblance of a name can not always be used as a standard for concluding something.

From a linguistic point of view, the change of title from "couple" to "pesangan" is more logical, because it is relevant to the story of Malim Dewa's journey. This can be concluded from the lyrics Didong: "Malem Dewa gèh ari Acih ... Mununung waih ku uken-ukenen ... ku ukenen pora sawah ku sara kampung oya gerale kampung Sikiren ... ku ukenen mien demu urum kala ni lut ton ni wauk ni princess i timangen..ku ukunen pora ara kampung Angkup, fig wooden rugup dediang .. ngu tunung-tunung gere mera rice fields milking gere mubayang ... ". ("Malim Dewa comes from Aceh, trekking upstream upstream, upstream in Sikiren village, up and up and sea Kala, where we weigh Princess's hair, upstream to the village of Angkup, there is a shade tree playgrounds, ... I searched not until I sought no shadow. ") and at the same time reinforces the above argument, or - at least - opens a space for us to examine and review the legitimacy of this narration. Wallahu'aklam bissawab!


Nice posting Mr @suhadi-gayo. I like diving so much. How long the river is? Hopefuly, someday can go there.

thank you Mr. @adrienoor, not too far from the city takengon, especially for the adventurous spirit. wait for his arrival yes sir.

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