in #success6 years ago (edited)

Are you lazy? Do you have many plans, but laziness kills them all? Do you want to overcome it? 

I think there are no people who are never lazy. It comes to all of us often or seldom) There're so many articles how to win it, but to tell you the truth all of them were useless to me. But I have found the methos that really works! Wise Japan has promted it to me!

Share it with you, my friends) It is called Kaizen Method or One Minute Principle

"On Monday, I will start a new life, I will go to the gym, do yoga,..." - each of us periodically sets himself some goals and does not reach them, transfers to the next month, for several months, for a year . 

Sometimes we zealously start to do what we have planned, but after training, for example, 3 times a week in the gym for several hours, we drop out for a long time. Why is this happening? Because the habit has not been worked out yet.

There is a Japanese method of "kaizen", which is based on the principle of "one minute".

The word itself is compound, and includes the other two - "kai" (change) and "zen" (wisdom). The author of this management concept is Masaaki Imai. He believes that kaizen is a true philosophy that can be equally successfully applied in business and in personal life.

 The principle of this technique is that a person engages in a specific activity for exactly one minute, but every day and at the same time. One minute of time - this is very little, and therefore easily feasible for any person. Laziness does not stand in your way. The same actions that you did not want to do for half an hour,  you easily perform in a minute. By making small steps, you improve and achieve great results.

It is important that you overcome uncertainty in your abilities, get rid of feelings of guilt and helplessness, feel success and victory. Inspired by the sense of success, you gradually increase the minute classes to five minutes and so on. Then you will imperceptibly approach also to half-hour employment. Progress is evident!

To the people of Western culture, the Japanese method may seem ineffective, since in the West there is an opinion that it is not possible to achieve good results without great efforts. But large-scale programs that take up a lot of effort can break a person and remain unsuccessful. And the principle of "kaizen" is suitable for everyone and can be applied to many spheres of life. The Japanese, for example, use a strategy of gradual and continuous improvement in management.

It remains only to determine your needs and start applying the technique of "kaizen" in practice.

Do you like it? How do think it will work for you? Will you try?)


This is my first time ever hearing about this. What a brilliant idea! Someone who wants to start exercising can easily do one minute of jumping jacks everyday. I read a little bit of the book The Power of Habit which tells us how our brains are always seeking to create habits out of everything in our lives.

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