“The BIG FAT LIES That Keep You Struggling To Win Affluent Clients...”

in #success6 years ago (edited)

“The BIG FAT LIES That Keep You Struggling To Win Affluent Clients...”
... and 3 things you can do today to instantly increase your ability to win affluent clients.

"He’s my dream client, I just know that if I don’t give up calling him, he will patronize me one day"
Guess what? That's not you talking. That's your rejected ego talking. Right now you're a living, breathing, walking/ talking reject.

"If I remain in touch with them, bring them hampers at Christmas, etc…I can show them that I care and over time they'll want to give me their money"

"Regular sales tactics, tricks, techniques will help me win rich and affluent clients"

Now we've just scratched the surface of the things it takes to put an effective strategy into place to attract rich and affluent clients.

To be honest, there's a lot more to it, that's why I'm going to be checking in on you very soon to see how you're coming along.

And while the few key pieces of advice might seem to be overly simplistic, trust me when I tell you that they are the paramount stepping stones to getting what you want. I say this from experience.

Do not be fooled by their simplicity.

All effective things in life are simple, not just client-attraction. It's just too bad that you, me, (and everybody else for that matter) completely miss the boat when it comes to solving problems in our lives because we're too skeptical to believe that that solutions lies in simplicity.

Go back and read over lie #1. That's your starting point, then head over to lie #2.

Knowing and applying just those two principles will get you a long way in getting you what you ultimately want. And always

keep lie #3 in mind while you sort things out in your head and start to put your strategy into place.

I'll talk to you soon...bbbb.png


Nice write up. I'd be looking forward to your next updates.

And I think the bane of this is connected to self illusion

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