Sunrise 8

in #success7 years ago

Matahari terbit datang dengan warna gelap dan terang
Ia datang dengan warna putih pijar.
ingin membakar air laut

Ingin mengeringkan daun-daun hingga ringan untuk ditiup angin
Bagi manusia kehadiran terang disubuh itu pertanda harus bangkit bersama matahari.

Dan kembali bersama matahari senja.
Malam terselimuti oleh kelam
Siang adalah tempat belajar dn bekarya. selagi terang ada.

The rising sun comes in dark and light
It comes in white incandescent.
want to burn sea water

Want to dry the leaves lightly for the wind
For man the presence of the light of the body is a sign must rise with the sun.

And back with the evening sun.
The night was covered with darkness
Siang is a place to learn dn bekarya. while there is light.

Make it work


Photo @lodinsla taken by Canon EOS M2


Beautiful shots of the sunset :)

Suddenly this morning I saw light through the crack of doors and windows and I have taken some pictures.
Because blocked by some shadow objects then when photographing the pictures I have to hang on the window because the moment the sun rises very fast pass.
Thanks @thehappycamper for visiting my Blog @lodinsla.

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