We Must Seek Change & Embrace It

in #success5 years ago

I did a post last week that discussed the most important thing an entrepreneur could do...And that's actually taking action. Each and every day.

Quick story time...

I remember when I was younger...I looked up to my Dad (and still do) because he was a dedicated business man. And something inside me KNEW I wanted to follow in his footsteps.

One day we were sitting down and I started asking him about his experience...

And this quote (which I'm paraphrasing) left a huge mark on me...

"Son, when people get too comfortable, nothing changes. Because at the end of the day, change is something human beings avoid like the plague..."

He went on to state...

"As someone in business, you must not only embrace change...But seek it out before it becomes such an overpowering fear in your life, nothing moves forward!"

Of course, he's telling me this while I'm a teenager and it goes in one ear and out the other...At that time!

But as my career started to grow, and I saw the wisdom in those words...I've done my best to not only embrace change, but show others how powerful it can be in your business and life.

Tell me if this sounds familiar....

"This is too complicated!"

"I don't know what to do next..."

"How can I possibly compete?"

All things that entrepreneur say to themselves...Daily!

The difference between someone who talk the talk, and walks the walk is...You guessed it...


You see, we all can agree that taking action daily is a true secret to success...But that's easy to say and do when the tasks at hand are 'easy'.

Now what about...Changing habits?

Or changing your business model?

Switching things up and changing your entire industry?

Now we are getting super uncomfortable! This is easier said than done...


Comfort zones will destroy ya!

Especially in business...

I've always maintained that in business we must be pro-active rather than re-active and that is done by embracing change!

And sure, we will grow as business people, learn new skills and embrace new technology. But here's the big reason why we should be embracing change on every step of the journey...

Remember the words from my pops above....

"People avoid change like the plague!"

Which means...Most of your competition WON'T embrace change. They will do everything they can to avoid it...!

This is a powerful lesson and I know it took me years to embrace change WILLINGLY! However arming yourself with this knowledge PLUS combining it with the ability to take action on the things you are learning will not only separate you....It's show the world, you are serious about success.

Change is coming.

Whether we like it or not..We might as well embrace it, as uncomfortable as it may be!


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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/we-must-seek-change-embrace-it/


I must say you are lucky to have a dad that you can look onto

I must say you are
Lucky to have a dad that
You can look onto

                 - doyi

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Agreed...Very blessed to have him.

Parents always knew best we just were to young to think they new it all. As we grow we discover hey were right and they tried to make life easier for us.

Yeah, I was super lucky to have the parents I did growing up. Grateful.

This "embrace change" reminds me at some of the big companies ignoring the new technologies, and not just that... ignoring the changed reality... Others were changing and they wanted to "stop" the unstoppable...

We know who won... and, usually, time is punishing those who do not change and adapt...

Thanks for this great family/business story!

Thanks man...Yeah the music industry comes to mind...As an entire group of 'powers that be' ignored change and it almost destroyed them....Kinda did in some cases.

Nice written article. You're right, embracing change and finding new solutions for it are the best things to do if you want to be a successful entrepreneur!

Thanks for the comments :)

Yup...Best thing..And critical thing too :)

In the Navy, we called that embrace the suck

LOL Embrace the suck LOLOL

That phrase your dad said is true about nothing changes when people are in the conformt zone. We must push beyond our comfort zone to experience change

It's true...And I know I myself fall victim to comfort when it came to business...Almost ruined me.

I concur wholeheartedly. I am not fond of learning new software, especially graphics stuff, but I can learn it as I need it--just in time learning. If a FORTRAN programmer from the dark ages can do it, so can anyone else on CTP.

Ha ha ha ha True true! It's amazing what happens when we push ourselves to learn new things.

Change is never easy. Change is never comfortable. But change is necessary. Inevitable even. I guess a useful trait one needs to learn is being able to adapt to change easily. ^_^ Thanks for another great post!

For sure, glad you got value from it :)

Change is what allows the driving force to push forwards, if we didn't embrace change we just wouldn't step out the door every single day.
It keeps us alive, it keeps us invigorated and it keeps us Fresh :)

Facts and more facts! Thanks for the comments sir, always appreciate them!

Facts and more facts! Thanks
For the comments sir, always
Appreciate them!

                 - jongolson

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

What a good way to start a day! Have to make sure to read this again and again when I'm making excuses in my head...Thank you so much - again - for the words of encouragement! Have an awesome week!

You too Eliana...Thanks very much for stopping by :)

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